
AsyncRead/AsyncWrite stdin/stdout for legacy pre-0.1 Tokio

Primary LanguageRust


AsyncRead/AsyncWrite stdin/stdout for Tokio

Documentation - more description there


let mut core = tokio_core::reactor::Core::new()?;

let stdin = tokio_stdin_stdout::stdin(0);
let stdout = tokio_stdin_stdout::stdout(0);

core.run(tokio_io::io::copy(stdin, stdout))?;

Additional examples

  1. loop.rs - Write hello ten times
  2. line-by-line.rs - Convert all input text to ASCII upper case, line by line. This example also demonstrates usage of tokio-codec and various modes of starting Tokio programs (multithreaded, singlethreaded).

async fn demo

Not much related to tokio-stdin-stdout, but there are some async fn examples runnable by cargo script.

They require nightly Rust.


  1. tokio-stdin no AsyncRead, only stdin, byte by byte
  2. tokio-file-unix - better, but only Unix