
Wireguard to GUE/FOU bridge: exchange IPv4 or IPV6 packets between a Wireguard peer and a plain UDP socket.

Primary LanguageRust


Tool that converts between Wireguard-secured IP packets and plain IP-over-UDP (i.e. FOU/GUE) datagrams. Someting like a boringtun-cli, but instead of a tun interface there is another UDP socket.


  • Maintain connection with one Wireguard peer
  • Send and receive FOU or GUE IPv4 or IPv6 packets.
  • Periodically send empty UDP datagrams to FOU port to avoid stale NAT entries.
  • Periodic printing of statistics
Example session
# ip netns add peer1
$ wg genkey | tee /dev/stderr | wg pubkey
$ wg genkey | tee /dev/stderr | wg pubkey
# ip link add peer1 type wireguard
# wg set peer1 listen-port 1929 private-key <(echo OGCvzGq9bbbiuiEXwHpdsK9QXEc13/2az0we5z7DCls=) peer IVbkRatA+KK2nE7GYuM+vPr/aWUK3VjmDQNAHaP21S8= endpoint  allowed-ips fd00::2/128
# ip link set peer1 netns peer1
# ip netns exec peer1 ip link set peer1 up
# ip netns exec peer1 ip addr add fd00::1/128 dev peer1
# ip netns exec peer1 ip route add fd00::2/128 dev peer1

$ wg2gue -k GKLlQK+pdrdmX6M/1eujcZcjlBC8kvHPsQFznW6vuWI= -K tGk/3hzFBUuG21EZ4iTN/ZChl4PYKtkfx31TDCz8wgI=  -b --gue-bind-ip-port --gue-peer-endpoint

# ip netns add peer2
# ip fou add port 1932 gue
# ip link add peer2  type sit remote local encap gue encap-sport 1932 encap-dport 1931 encap-csum
# ip link set peer2 netns peer2
# ip netns exec peer2 ip link set peer2 up
# ip netns exec peer2 ip addr add fd00::2/128 dev peer2
# ip netns exec peer2 ip route add fd00::1/128 dev peer2

# ip netns exec peer2 ping fd00::1
64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=48.7 ms
64 bytes from fd00::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.960 ms


Download a pre-built executable from Github releases or install from source code with cargo install --path . or cargo install wg2gue.

CLI options

wg2gue --help output
Usage: wg2gue [-k <private-key>] [-f <private-key-file>] -K <peer-key> [-p <wg-peer-endpoint>] [-a <wg-keepalive-interval>] -b <wg-bind-ip-port> -g <gue-bind-ip-port> [-G <gue-peer-endpoint>] [-A <gue-keepalive-interval>] [--print-stats-interval <print-stats-interval>]

Expose internet access without root using Wireguard

  -k, --private-key main private key of this Wireguard node, base64-encoded
  -f, --private-key-file
                    main private key of this Wireguard node (content of a
                    specified file), base64-encoded
  -K, --peer-key    peer's public key
  -p, --wg-peer-endpoint
                    address of the peer's UDP socket, where to send keepalives
  -a, --wg-keepalive-interval
                    wireguard keepalive interval, in seconds
  -b, --wg-bind-ip-port
                    where to bind UDP socket for Wireguard connection
  -g, --gue-bind-ip-port
                    where to bind UDP socket for GUE/FOU
  -G, --gue-peer-endpoint
                    send GUE/FOU datagrams to that socket address, not use
                    remembered recvfrom address.
  -A, --gue-keepalive-interval
                    send empty UDP datagrams to the GUE/FOU peer with this
                    interval, in seconds
                    print stats to stdout each N milliseconds
  --help            display usage information