
Make you take a break in periods of times recommended for IT people.

Primary LanguageC#

This project is off development because of insufficient code, I learned alot since starting this project and I'm no longer going to update it because of it's spaghetti code, but is still useable and stable in latest version. I have a replacement for it in development, but it's kinda low in my list of priorities because of school & other projects. You'll just have to wait and see (;


Make you take a break in periods of times recommended for IT people.

More info about project soon...

Hi! if you just found out about this project why not test it? more info will be out soon but until then I'll tell you a bit... Fluctus was made to help me sit less time on my pc, it notifies you to take breaks every 30 minutes and two hours.

How to quickly build Fluctus?

Replace the red sentence in the build bat with your msbuild.exe directory (msbuild.exe should support .net framework 4.5.2) alt text (run the bat file to build as release for better performance over debug)