
Environment configs for the OpenMQTTGateway firmware

PlatformIO environment configs for the OpenMQTTGateway


Recommended way is to create symlinks in the OpenMQTTGateway repo dir pointing to each individual env config file located in this repo.

Optionally you can create secret_env.ini (ignored by the Git) taking secret_env.ini.example as an example and populating it with relevant values. This will completely disable ESP WifiManager and configure OpenMQTTGateway using variables provided in the secret_env.ini


cd /path/to/the/OpenMQTTGateway
ln -sf /path/to/the/omg-envs/omg_grower_env.ini .
ln -sf /path/to/the/omg-envs/omg_d1mini_rf_env.ini .
ln -sf /path/to/the/omg-envs/secret_env.ini .