
mysql connection pool for cpp using thread pool design pattern.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


mysql connection pool for cpp using thread pool design pattern.

Why connection pool?

  • mysql-connector-cpp uses tcp to establish connection with mysql server. Every query requires tcp connection establishment and tcp termination, which can slow things down.
  • conpool (Connection pool) uses thread pool design pattern. Here we spin n threads and each thread will establish tcp connection with mysql server during start up. conpool maintains a job queue of size q in which we can queue sql queries along with input data. Whenever a thread becomes available, it is assigned with a task from job queue.
  • As we can see, we don't terminate already exisiting tcp connection and we are trying to reuse it as much as possible, this improves concurrency and tasks can be completed faster.
  • More threads doesn't imply higher concurrency. Because the optimal number of threads is a function of number of CPU cores, which is available through thread::hardware_concurrency.


$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh


$ g++ --std=c++17 -I/<path to conpool repo>/mysql-connector-cpp/include/jdbc <your cpp file> -pthread -Wall -lmysqlcppconn



#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <cppconn/prepared_statement.h>
#include "conpool.h"
using namespace std;

  - create a class which inherits abstract Job class, and implement run(sql::Connection*) method
  - describe schema in Input struct
class QueryType1: public Job {
  /* write the schema of the relation */
  struct Input {
    char name[80];
    int age;
  } input;  
  /* it is mandatory to override, as run(sql::Connection) pure virtual funcion */
  void run(sql::Connection *con) {
    /* mention the database name, else error is thrown as no database is selected by default */
    sql::PreparedStatement *prep_stmt = con->prepareStatement("INSERT INTO mytable VALUES (?, ?)");
    prep_stmt->setString(1, input.name);
    prep_stmt->setInt(2, input.age);
    delete prep_stmt;

  Make sure database and relations are already setup on mysql server.

/* Initialize FCFS thread pool */
ConPool pool(
  unique_ptr<Scheduler>(new FCFS())

/* start the connection pool */

QueryType1 q1;
strcpy(q1.input.name, "Vighnesh Nayak S");
q1.input.age = 21;
pool.enqueue(&q1, sizeof(q1));
strcpy(q1.input.name, "Vighnesh Kamath");
q1.input.age = 22;
pool.enqueue(&q1, sizeof(q1));

/* gracefully stop the connection pool */

Priority scheduler


/* Initialize priority scheduler thread pool */
int levels = 256; // levels of priority = 256
ConPool pool(
  unique_ptr<Scheduler>(new PriorityScheduler(levels))

/* start the connection pool */

QueryType1 q1;
strcpy(q1.input.name, "Vighnesh Nayak S");
q1.input.age = 21;
q1.key = 255;
pool.enqueue(&q1, sizeof(q1));
strcpy(q1.input.name, "Vighnesh Kamath");
q1.input.age = 22;
q1.key = 0;
pool.enqueue(&q1, sizeof(q1));

/* gracefully stop the connection pool */

Priority scheduler with ageing

/* Initialize ageing priority scheduler thread pool */
int level = 16, ageingFrequency = 5;
ConPool pool(
  unique_ptr<Scheduler>(new AgeingPriorityScheduler(level, ageingFrequency))

/* start the connection pool */

QueryType1 q1;
strcpy(q1.input.name, "Vighnesh Nayak S");
q1.input.age = 21;
q1.key = 15;
pool.enqueue(&q1, sizeof(q1));
strcpy(q1.input.name, "Vighnesh Kamath");
q1.input.age = 22;
q1.key = 0;
pool.enqueue(&q1, sizeof(q1));

/* gracefully stop the connection pool */