
Host file transfer service for free on your Linux machine.

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Host file transfer service for free on your Linux machine.


  • Single command upload and download feature.
  • Checkpointing download and upload, and resume back whenever you are back online.
  • Compresses your data before sending.
  • Encryption using AES-128 in CBC mode of operation.
  • Uses MD5 hash to verify integrity at receiver side.
  • Uses MessagePack for data interchange, to increase portablility among linux different systems.

How filerail works ?

An application layer protocol built on top of TCP. After connection establishment, client and server exchange messages to check if request made by client is feasible. Once request is deemed feasible, file/directory transfer process starts.


$ git clone https://github.com/vi88i/filerail.git
$ cd filerail
$ chmod +x setup.sh
$ ./setup.sh


On server side

  • Spin filerail server.
$ gcc -I./deps/zip/src -o filerail_server filerail_server.c ./deps/msgpack-c/libmsgpackc.a ./deps/openssl/libcrypto.a -Wall
# usage: -v -d [-i ipv4 address] [-p port] [-k key path] [-c checkpoints directory]
$ ./filerail_server -v -i -p 8000 -k /home/key.txt -c /home/server_ckpts
1. -u : usage
2. -v : verbose mode on
3. -d : DNS resolution of provided DNS name
4. -i : IPv4 address of server
5. -p : port
6. -k : key path (requires absolute path to key file)
7. -c : checkpoints directory (requires absolute path to checkpoints directory)
  • To check if server is running
$ sudo netstat -pln | grep 8000
# if it doen't display anything something went wrong, refer syslog
$ cat /var/log/syslog | grep filerail

On client side

  • Compile client side code.
$ gcc -I./deps/zip/src -o filerail_client filerail_client.c ./deps/msgpack-c/libmsgpackc.a ./deps/openssl/libcrypto.a -Wall
  • Create a symbolic link, so filerail client can be invoked from anywhere.
$ cd filerail # move to filerail home folder
$ sudo ln -s ./filerail_client /usr/local/bin/filerail
# usage: -v -d [-i ipv4 address] [-p port] [-o operation] [-r resource path] 
#           [-d destination path] [-k key path] [-c checkpoints directory]
1. -u : usage
2. -v : verbose mode on
3. -n : DNS resolution of provided DNS name
4. -i : IPv4 address of server
5. -p : port
6. -o : operation {put, get, ping}
7. -r : resource path (requires absolute path to resource)
8. -d : destination path (requires absolute path to destination)
9. -k : key path (requires absolute path to key file)
10. -c : checkpoints directory (requires absolute path to checkpoints directory)



$ filerail -i -p 8000 -o ping -k /home/key.txt -c /home/ckpt

Upload file/directory

$ filerail -i -p 8000 -o put -r /home/user/a -d /home/user/fun -k /home/key.txt -c /home/ckpt

Download file/directory

$ filerail -i -p 8000 -o get -r /home/user/fun -d /home/user2 -k /home/key.txt -c /home/ckpt

Setup keys

  • filerail uses AES-128 (CBC mode).
  • It requires two paramaters IV (initialization vector) and key, both are of 128 bit length.
  • First 48 bytes of key file consists of IV, and the remaining 48 bytes are keys.
  • Pair of hex digits are separated by space, and last hex digit of each parameter is delimited by newline (\n).
  • Same key and IV must be stored on server side and client side.


A9 51 D3 CC B5 F9 56 48 31 1B 5E 25 A9 E3 A1 DB
54 68 61 74 73 20 6D 79 20 4B 75 6E 67 20 46 75


  1. kuba--/zip
  2. openssl/openssl
  3. msgpack/msgpack-c


  • Windows and OS X not supported.