- 0
Novelty Detection for clean datasets
#43 opened by woldinius - 0
- 0
Detect exisiting pipeline configuration for same operation but different data level
#34 opened by micudaj - 0
- 1
Create Dockerfile for
#28 opened by micudaj - 0
- 1
Refactor pipeline to get rid of dependencies between steps that are not required
#24 opened by micudaj - 1
Configuration file per running mode should have separate names to allow configs for different modes in one working directory
#22 opened by micudaj - 2
As a user I want to access the imported data (of the KafkaImporter) in csv format.
#18 opened by CarolineMethner - 0
Provide a tutorial for the Kafka way
#16 opened by micudaj - 2
While processing CSV input, I would like to see some kind of progress bar (based on bytes consumed))
#20 opened by fkoehne - 0
create english documentation
#1 opened by micudaj - 0
- 6
Fix outdated integration test
#4 opened by fkoehne - 1
Sonar found a potential NPE
#9 opened by fkoehne