
A puppet 2.7.x compatible module which manages Oracle Java 7 on Debian Squeeze using the Ubuntu Precise repository

Primary LanguagePuppetMIT LicenseMIT


A puppet 2.7.x compatible module which manages Oracle Java 7 on Debian Squeeze using the Ubuntu Precise repository


While we wanted to be able to use the latest Logstash/Elasticsearch Stack, we had to upgrade Java to at least Java 7 (dispite Java 8 is recommended) in order to use the newest versions. This puppet module just installs/removes the latest Oracle Java 7 for Debian Squeeze using the Debian packages from the Ubuntu Precise repository. Using those packages is not officially supported but works quite well for us.


It has been tested with Puppet 2.7.19+ and requires the "apt" module to work.


Installation is quite straightforward. It will install Java 7 and make it the systems default, even if OpenJDK 6 was installed:

class { 'puppet_java7_squeeze': ensure => 'present' }


class { 'puppet_java7_squeeze': ensure => 'absent', }


This is an open source project and your contribution is very much appreciated.

  1. Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
  2. Fork the repository on Github and make your changes on your own branch named after the issue id.
  3. Send a pull request.


puppet_java7_squeeze is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.