AppDynamics RabbitMQ Monitoring Extension

This extension works only with the standalone machine agent.

##Use Case RabbitMQ is open source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It is written in the Erlang programming language. The RabbitMQ Monitoring extension collects metrics from an RabbitMQ messaging server and uploads them to the AppDynamics Controller.

##Prerequisite The RabbitMQ Management Plugin must be enabled. Please refer to for more details.


  1. Run "mvn clean install"
  2. Download and unzip the file 'target/' to <machineagent install dir>/monitors
  3. Configure the config.yml. A sample config is as follows :
## Queue Group Configuration. The queue stats will be grouped by the 'groupName'
## if the 'queueNameRegex' matches the name of the Queue.

## groupName            The stats from Queues matched by the 'queueNameRegex' will be reported under this name
## queueNameRegex       A Regex to match the Queue Name
## showIndividualStats  If set to false then the Individual Queue stats will not be reported.
##                      This will help if there are several short lived queues and an explosion of metrics
##                      in the controller can be avoided

# Uncomment the following lines for configuration
- groupName: group1
  queueNameRegex: queue.+
  showIndividualStats: false

# Queue Group Configuration
#- groupName: group2
#  queueNameRegex: temp.+
#  showIndividualStats: false

####### RabbitMQ Server Instances. You can configure multiple instances as follows to report metrics from #######
   - host: "localhost"
     port: 15672
     useSSL: false
     username: "guest"
     password: "guest"
     ##passwordEncrypted : Encrypted Password to be used, In this case do not use normal password field as above
     connectTimeout: 10000
     socketTimeout: 10000
     displayName: "displayName" //The display name to be used for the metrics of this server, mandatory
   - host: "localhost"
     port: 15673
     useSSL: false
     username: "guest"
     password: "guest"
     connectTimeout: 10000
     socketTimeout: 10000  
 	 displayName: "displayName1" //The display name to be used for the metrics of this server, mandatory
##encryptionKey: "myKey", the encryption key used to encrypt passowrd(s), same will be used to decrypt`

# number of concurrent tasks
numberOfThreads: 5

##Metrics The following metrics are reported. The Metric Path is relative to the "metricPrefix" defined in the monitor.xml

Metric Path Description
Nodes/{node}/Erlang Processes The count of Erlang Processes running in the node
Nodes/{node}/File Descriptors The count of open file descriptors in the node
Nodes/{node}/Memory(MB) The memory in MB used by the node
Nodes/{node}/Sockets The count of open sockets in the node
Nodes/{node}/Channels/Count The count of channels in the node
Nodes/{node}/Channels/Blocked The count of BLOCKED channels in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Delivered The count of messages 'deliver' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Acknowledged The count of messages 'ack' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Got No-Ack The count of messages with the status 'get_no_ack' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Delivered No-Ack The count of messages with the status 'deliver_no_ack' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Redelivered The count of messages with the status 'redeliver' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Published The count of messages with the status 'publish' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Available The count of messages with the status 'messages_ready' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Messages/Pending Acknowledgements The count of messages with the status 'messages_unacknowledged' in the node
Nodes/{node}/Consumers/Count The count of consumers for the node
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Consumers The consumer count of a queue in a host
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Acknowledged The count of messages with the status 'ack' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Available The count of messages with the status 'messages_ready' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Delivered (Total) The count of messages with the status 'deliver_get' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Delivered The count of messages with the status 'deliver' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Delivered No-Ack The count of messages with the status 'deliver_no_ack' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Got The count of messages with the status 'get' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Got No-Ack The count of messages with the status 'get_no_ack' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Published The count of messages with the status 'publish' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Redelivered The count of messages with the status 'redeliver' in the host and the given queue
Queues/{vHost}/{qName}/Messages/Pending Acknowledgements The count of messages with the status 'messages_unacknowledged' in the host and the given queue
Summary/Channels The total number of channels registered in the server
Summary/Consumers The total number of Consumers registered in the server
Summary/Messages/Available The total count of messages with the status 'messages_ready' in the RabbitMQ server
Summary/Messages/Delivered (Total) The total count of messages with the status 'deliver_get' in the RabbitMQ server
Summary/Messages/Published The total count of messages with the status 'publish' in the RabbitMQ server
Summary/Messages/Redelivered The total count of messages with the status 'redeliver' in the RabbitMQ server
Summary/Messages/Pending Acknowledgements The total count of messages with the status 'messages_unacknowledged' in the RabbitMQ server
Summary/Queues The count of queues in the RabbitMQ Server

##Password Encryption Support

To avoid setting the clear text password in the config.yml. Please follow the process to encrypt the password and set the encrypted password and the key in the config.yml

  1. Download the util jar to encrypt the password from here
  2. Encrypt password from the commandline java -cp "appd-exts-commons-1.1.2.jar" com.appdynamics.extensions.crypto.Encryptor myKey myPassword
  3. Add the properties in the config.yml. See sample config above

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