
Author: Vianney Gremmel


Make the Jetbrains scopes available in telescope.nvim

You (or some of your colleagues) are using Jetbrains Scopes (e.g: in PyCharm) and you want to use them from vim. This plugin allows you to search in the scopes defined in your project.

The scopes must be defined in the .idea/scopes/*.xml files (they may have been generated by the IDE).


This is a very naive implemention (no xml parsing, naive globs interpretation, etc.).


Install the plugin with your favorite plugin manager.

Exemple, with Lazy

use {
    requires = {

And then, in your init.lua:



  1. Load a scope in neovim.
  1. Fuzzy find inside the scope

You can attach these commands to a keymap, for example:

vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>jp', ':JBSPick<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>js', ':JBSSearch<CR>', { noremap = true, silent = true })