
Builds i2b2 tranSMART ontology from an dbGaP study

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Builds i2b2 tranSMART ontology from an dbGaP study

This python script queries dbGaP projects web pages base on a phs (study id) in order to retrieve contextual information for dbGaP phv (variables id).

Using these information it builds a set of i2b2 ontology paths for each phv. These informations are stored in a file (leafFilePath). These file is then used to create a new mappig file for the i2b2/tranSMART etl pipeline (based on a pre-existing one)


Pre requisit

python 2 (should work with python 3)

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/vianneyJouhet/dbGaP-i2b2Tm-TreeBuilder.git

Copy and adapt the properties.json file

Copy properties.json from template to the root of the project

  • study_id ==> dgGap study id (phs that includes version and p)
  • current_object_id ==> dbGap object id (number within the phs)
  • retrievePaths ==> do you want yo retrieve path from dbGap (can be set to "N" in order to skip this part)
  • buildMappingFile ==> do you want to build a mapping file (needs sourceMappingFile and targetMappingFile to be set)
  • leafFilePath ==> Target file for tree building (will replace file if exists)
  • sourceMappingFile ==> Pre-existing Mapping file as defiend in i2b2 TranSMART ETL)
  • targetMappingFile ==> Mapping File that will be created

Run the main script

python main.py