Pinned Repositories
SNAPGrade is a public-service initiative under the HIBAH Capstone Project by the Department of Computer Science and Electronics (DCSE), Universitas Gadjah Mada. This project is designed to assist educators by optimizing the process of test corrections, making it faster, more efficient, and accessible.
This is the repository of team Kuliah Di Depok V2's preliminary submission for the Datathon 2024 by RISTEK Fasilkom UI. Together with Louis and Yosef, we performed in-depth analysis and fraud detection on a banking social network. This year, we finished top 3 in the preliminary and champion of the competition.
StressSense is a machine learning service designed to assess stress levels through sleep quality data, built with a full production pipeline in TensorFlow Extended (TFX). The service integrates with Prometheus and Grafana for real-time monitoring and follows the clean code paradigm for enhanced modularity and maintainability.
This is a repository for the Fekdi Hackathon participation hosted by Bank Indonesia. Together with Andre and Louis, we made an extensive intelligent process model AI engine.
Combination of Optical Flow and Rank Pooling for Vision Based Fall Detection System. This project dives deep into implementations of traditional yet sophisticated preprocessing methods in building powerful and yet computationally efficient video analysis vision based fall detection system.
Built for participation to the Google Solutions Challenge 2024, Auricurrus is an IoT based solution to support the deaf in driving, providing support in visual and haptic cues from noises in surroundings, giving more information to deaf drivers on what is happening around them.
Final Project for Dicoding's Machine Learning Development Course, where I am tasked to make a multiclass image classification model and deploy it in TFLite format.
This repository is an end-to-end MLOps project showcasing image classification deployed to AWS, covering the full ML pipeline from data scraping and ingestion to CI/CD deployment. It features experimentation tracking with MLFlow, data versioning with DVC for streamlined workflows, and efficient, reproducible model development.
As a final project in the Pattern Recognition Course, Alana and I teamed up to create a continuation of a supposedly ideal feature of the Auricurrus app submitted in the Google Solutions Challenge. We aim to build a CNN-approach in detecting vehicle horn sounds to aid deaf drivers in perceiving their environment.
A predictive analysis on the Adults Income dataset, done by implementing various Data Analysis and Regression techniques. Built for the First Submission of Dicoding's Machine Learning Implementation Course.
viansebastian's Repositories
Final Project for Dicoding's Machine Learning Development Course, where I am tasked to make a multiclass image classification model and deploy it in TFLite format.
A predictive analysis on the Adults Income dataset, done by implementing various Data Analysis and Regression techniques. Built for the First Submission of Dicoding's Machine Learning Implementation Course.
Built for participation to the Google Solutions Challenge 2024, Auricurrus is an IoT based solution to support the deaf in driving, providing support in visual and haptic cues from noises in surroundings, giving more information to deaf drivers on what is happening around them.
A recommendation system based on the Books Recommendation dataset, done by implementing Content Based and Collaborative Filtering techniques. Builf for the Final Submission of Dicoding's Machine Learning Implementation Course.
This is the repository of team Kuliah Di Depok V2's preliminary submission for the Datathon 2024 by RISTEK Fasilkom UI. Together with Louis and Yosef, we performed in-depth analysis and fraud detection on a banking social network. This year, we finished top 3 in the preliminary and champion of the competition.
GDSC - Deliverables Assignment. A Car Detection program used for traffic monitoring and optimization.
First Submission for Dicoding's Machine Learning Development Course, building a Natural Language Processing model.
This is a repository for the Fekdi Hackathon participation hosted by Bank Indonesia. Together with Andre and Louis, we made an extensive intelligent process model AI engine.
Google Developers Student Club Study Case Project - A blog app that has social media functionalities. Used Firebase, ExpressJS, React, and NodeJS stack, or what I like to call the FERN stack.
In this cryptography assignment, Khalisha, Alana, and I are tasked to modify the hash function in an HMAC encryption. Following the previous assignment, we implemented a CBC encryption, 16 rounds of Feistel Encryption and Bit-by-Bit XOR for the hashing function.
As a final project in the Machine Learning course, my team is tasked with solving an SDG problem relevant to Indonesia. Our team aims to provide insights and solutions applicable to SDG 1: No Poverty. This repository offers deep insights into the conditions and projections of Indonesian Workers' Welfare, from the past to the next 5 years.
UGM FMIPA project - building a monitoring and safety system for FMIPA UGM's Software and Data Engineering Lab.
As a final project in the Machine Learning class, my team aimed to use the Clustering approach in Melanoma Cancer Detection. This approach is then validated with CNN to better observe the results.
Predictive Analysis on Diamonds Market, my first study case on Dicoding's Machine Learning Implementation Course, where I performed data analysis and regression methods to predict diamonds price in the market.
A faculty Capstone project, where my team aims to build SNAPGrade, a mobile application that assists teachers in the correction of multiple choices.
Second submission for Dicoding's Machine Learning Development Course, building a time-series model.
Combination of Optical Flow and Rank Pooling for Vision Based Fall Detection System. This project dives deep into implementations of traditional yet sophisticated preprocessing methods in building powerful and yet computationally efficient video analysis vision based fall detection system.
As a final project in the Pattern Recognition Course, Alana and I teamed up to create a continuation of a supposedly ideal feature of the Auricurrus app submitted in the Google Solutions Challenge. We aim to build a CNN-approach in detecting vehicle horn sounds to aid deaf drivers in perceiving their environment.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A software engineering workshop class assignment, aiming to build a ecommerce clone app using streamlit
Aims to make a two-tier application, where I chose to build a very simple to do list app.
A NodeJS program that aims to display prospective supervisors for final projects for each students.
Aims to make a simple full-stack app in a Sports Centre setting, including scrollable elements, and payment gateways.
The 2434 Game Store is a final project submission using the PERN (PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node) stack, combined with Stripe Payment gateway that is essentially a eCommerce web app. Together with Alana, Argy, Raisa, Nabila, and Nadine, we built a gaming store eCommerce app.
The individual assignment aims to make a scrollable component of sold products in an ecommerce setting. In my submission, I built a simple furniture store using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The approach I used is the Object-Oriented approach, relying on asynchronous image fetching.