
Bitset data indexer

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

bitsy - Bitset Data Indexer

GoReportCard GoDoc

This library is compatible with Go 1.13+


In Big Query, using repeated field values as part of conditional expressions in SQL queries may lead to expensive execution plans both in terms of money and run time.

This project is a tool to improve Big Query performance and reduce runtime costs up to 100x, depending on the query nature, by generating bitmap indexes for repeated and scalar columns/fields.


Bitsy improves query performance by building bitmap indexes on the columns that are part of an SQL query conditional expression.

The implementation uses 64 bits bitsets to indicate a specific value presence in one (or several) records out of 64 based on the record sequential number. To allow indexing more than 64 rows/records, the source dataset has to be split into as many batches as necessary to represent the entire dataset. In addition to the indexing columns and the record sequential number, the source dataset should include the batch number, therefore. Indexing is implemented as a Google cloud function and uses rules to describe index build requests.

A typical workflow happens as follows:

  • export the source data indexing columns along with the batch id column and a timestamp in the json format.

  • index data source (bitsy) and save the output in the json format.

  • import index data into a table (one per each index) for subsequent use in SQL conditional expressions.

Serverless indexing data flow


Indexing column types

The implementation supports the following data types for indexing columns:

  • Integer
  • Floating
  • Text
  • Boolean

Each column can be either a scalar or an array of multiple values.


An indexing rule is specified in the yaml format. A typical rule may look like this:

  prefix: /Users/
  suffix: json

  URL: mem://localhost/index/case01/$fragment/data.json
  TableRoot: myTable_

timeField: ts
batchField: batch_id
sequenceField: seq
partitionField: part_id
allowQuotedNumbers: true
recordsField: records
valueField: value
  - Name: city_id
    Type: int
  - Name: name
    Type: string
  • batchField: the source data field name containing batch number/id
  • sequenceField: the source data field name containing sequence number/id
  • recordsField: the output data bitset field name
  • valueField: the output data indexed value field name

Bitsy CLI

Provided CLI allows to:

# Show usage:
./bitsy -h

# Validate a rule
./bitsy -V -r valid.yaml

# Generate a rule
./bitsy -s test_data/data.json -d /tmp/bitsy/$fragment/data.json    -b batchId  -q seq  -f x:string  -f y:int

SQL example

WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM t1_idx WHERE value IN ('idx1', 'idx2') AND t1.batch_id = t1_idx.batch_id and  AND t1_idx.events & (1 << t1.seq) != 0)
  • table t1_idx contains the generated index
  • column t1_idx.value contains index values
  • column t1_idx.events contains bitsets


The following are used by storage mirror services:


  • config.json : main deployment configuration file
  • $configBucket: bucket storing rules
  • $triggerBucket: bucket storing data that needs to be indexed, event triggered by GCP
  • $opsBucket: bucket storing corrupted and failed input data for subsequent troubleshooting
Deployment Configuration

The main configuration file contains cloud function settings and the $configBucket, $triggerBucket, $opsBucket locations. E.g.:

  "DeadlineReductionMs": 70000,
  "LoaderDeadlineLagMs": 5000,
  "MaxRetries": 5,
  "Concurrency": 100,
  "RetryURL": "gs://${triggerBucket}/",
  "FailedURL": "gs://${operationBucket}/${appName}/failed",
  "CorruptionURL": "gs://${operationBucket}/${appName}/corrupted",
  "MaxExecTimeMs": 540000,
  "BaseURL" : "gs://${configBucket}/${appName}/Rules",
  "CheckFrequencyMs" : 100
Deploy with endly

To deploy with endly automation runner use the following workflow:

git checkout https://github.com/viant/bitsy.git
cd bitsy/deployment
endly authWith=myGoogleSecrets.json


The source code is made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2, as stated in the file LICENSE.

Individual files may be made available under their own specific license, all compatible with Apache License, Version 2. Please see individual files for details.