
Static app for drgadgetchile.cl smartphone trade platform

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Tecnicall Chile

Tecnicall is a Chilean smartphone trading company. This site was made using Gatsby, inspired from Gatsby Starter Ecommerce by Parminder Sanghera.

It is a static site that features all the used (and maybe damaged) products that Tecnicall buys, with model selection and an extensive list of failures the device may have. It reports the final buying price, repair price and market price (when it is in an excellent condition) to let the customer choose the best alternative.

A live version of the site is available here.


  • React 16
  • PWA (includes manifest.webmanifest & offline support)
  • Eslint & Prettier
  • Styled Components
  • Google Analytics
  • Semantic-UI React
  • CSV parsing for product prices, slugs and descriptions
  • Automatic image loading for new products
  • Product categorization
  • Fully responsive
  • Google Sheets webhook for form-data ingestion