
SRE Interview

Primary LanguagePython

Storage SRE Coding Challenge


This project emulates 1000 servers that returns the Cache, Webapp or Database status through the server.py API. Client.py connects to server API a 1000 times to emulate 1000 servers, collects data and generates 2 reports one human readable and another in JSON format.


Server Version: 1.0

Client Version: 1.0

Python: 3.9


IMPORTANT: You will need to install docker in to your workstation. Follow instructions under https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ once docker is installed continue with below steps.

1 - Download and run image from dockerhub.com

docker pull viaramb/twsre:latest
docker run --name sre -p 5000:5000 -d viaramb/twsre

2 - Connect to containter

docker exec -it sre /bin/bash

3 - Execute code to print report on screen

python src/client/run.py

4 - If you would like to see report in JSON format

cat client/data/output.json


Server side testing

Under /app/src folder run:

python -m unittest server/test/test_* 

Client side testing

python -m unittest server/test/test_*

API testing

cd src/server/
python -m unittest test_server.py