Zero Knowledge Proofs, ZKPs, is a method that allows a prover to proof a statement to a verifier without having to reveal it.
The following repository defines a:
Visual ZKP proof generator
Main script (Python):
Sequence verification generator (Python):
A Polygon smart contract ( with the NFT verification logic /verification
ZKP visual proof generator given two sequences of uint[5] created by two different users. The outputs of the script are:
A 5 by 5 image with pixels correspond to sha256(sequence) mod 255.
Noise is added to each user's sequence before the hash creation.
The script can be triggered by runnning:
docker build . -t zkp
docker run -v $(pwd)/image:/hash_mechanism/image -it zkp bash
The previous command will exec you into the created Docker container.
python '{"user1": [6, 7, 9, 10, 12], "user2": [1, 2, 3, 8, 7]}'
{}: Dictionary of users' sequences
It will save the proof.png at current_directory/image in the host computer.
Cryptographic verification sequence generator given the original image and the noise used by (central oracle able to generate the global proof).
The script can be triggered by runnning:
docker build . -t zkp
docker run -v $(pwd)/image:/hash_mechanism/image -it zkp bash
The previous command will exec you into the created Docker container.
python '[6, 7, 9, 10, 12]' 1
[]: Sequence
Int: Noise of the user
NFT ERC721 verification smart contract on Polygon.
Main two functionalities of the smart contract are:
- creation and minting of an NFT with its corresponding uint[5][5] values per pixel.
- verification of a given sequence over a token.
Smart contract support libraries:
npm install -g truffle
npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
For local development mnemonic seed phrase: .env
- Install Ganache for local development:
npm install -g ganache-cli
- Truffle migrate (Deploys smart contract on local test network)
truffle migrate --config=truffle-config.polygon.js --network=development
- Truffle local console
truffle console --config=truffle-config.polygon.js --network=development
- Steps in console for test:
let instance = await"YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE")
Mint NFT:
await"YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS", "YOUR_METADATA_URI", uint[5][5] sequences)
Verify sequence on a given NFT id:
await instance.verify(sequenceToVerify, tokenID)
TokenID points to the NFT with the global proof.
Reference tutorial to deploy on testnet instead of local net:
Define .secret with wallet secret key to create the contract and do NOT commit the information online, as the key could be stolen.
Define Polygon scan token under truffle-config.json
To obtain tokens for deployment on the Mumbai Polygon testnet please go to:
truffle compile
Deployment on the Mumbai testnet:
truffle migrate --network polygon
Console to mint and verify over deployed contract on Mumbai testnet:
truffle console --network polygon
Steps to test:
let instance = await"YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_HERE")
Mint NFT:
await"YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS", "YOUR_METADATA_URI", uint[5][5] sequences)
Verify sequence on a given NFT id:
await instance.verify(sequenceToVerify, tokenID)
For development, steps to execute Python unittest tests:
poetry shell
pytest -vs