
zm-zimlets for Zimbra Collaboration Suite, FOSS Edition

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Steps to build/deploy

  1. mkdir ~/.zcs-deps

  2. Ensure that the following jars are present under ~/.zcs-deps dir: ant-contrib-1.0b1.jar (You can get this from perforce ZimbraCommon/jars) zimbracommon.jar (you can build this from zm-common repo) zimbrasoap.jar (you can build this from zm-soap repo) zimbraclient.jar (you can build this from zm-client repo) zimbrastore.jar (you can build this from zm-store repo) zimbra-native.jar (you can build this from zm-native repo)

  3. git clone ssh://git@stash.corp.synacor.com:7999/zimbra/zm-zcs.git ../zm-zcs

  4. git clone https://github.com/Zimbra/zimbra-package-stub.git ../zimbra-package-stub

  5. ant package-zimlets / ant deploy-zimlets