
Primary LanguagePython

Autonomous Stacking of Jenga Blocks

Course project for 16-662 Robot Autonomy

Team Members:

  • Abhinav Gupta (ag6)
  • Vibhakar Mohta (vmohta)
  • Dhanvi Sreenivasan (dsreeniv)

Watch our YouTube demonstration:





  1. Install Docker
  2. Install Nvidia Docker
  3. Work with a system that has the franka arm configured with the frankapy package


  1. Make Docker Container (use sudo if docker is not added to the user group):

    docker build -t auto_jenga .
  2. Install a RealSense camera on the tool of the panda arm. To calibrate this camera follow the following steps:

    • Place an Aruco marker at a fixed location on the table

    • Run the bash script to start the docker container

      bash run_docker.sh
    • Run the launch file which uses the easy_handeye package to calibrate the camera. Update the ID and size of the Aruco tag in the launch file:

      roslaunch block_detector realsense_easy_calib.launch
    • Record about 5-10 different values on the GUI. Make sure to rotate the arm sufficiently between different poses, and also record a few redundant poses.

      • Use rqt_image_view (inside the docker container) to see if the Aruco marker is detected properly in every position.
        bash terminal_docker.sh
      • To freely move the robot
        bash terminal_docker.sh
        python3 guide_mode.py
        This script allows free robot movement and is configured to do the following
        • Input 1 to print joints
        • Input 2 to print end effector pose
        • Input 3 to exit
        • Input 4 to reset joints and exit.
    • Compute the transform using the GUI. Copy and paste these values in block_detector/config/realsense_easy.yaml

Downloading and configuring the dataset and models

  1. Configure directory

    • cd <frankapy package directory>
    • mkdir weights
  2. Download model weights

    • wget "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=18XffSSU13EzuJ_8uUEhqZJU6YAyEz4q0" -O best.pt
  3. The instance segmentation dataset including Jenga blocks can be found at this link . We also provide a tutorial on how to configure and use our dataset for instance segmentation using YOLOv8. This tutorial is adapted from official Roboflow tutorial at this link.

Running the Code

  1. Run the start_control_pc script from the frankapy package

    • cd <frankapy package directory>
    • bash ./bash_scripts/start_control_pc.sh -i [control-pc-name]
  2. Run the MoveIt Server

    • Start the docker container
      bash run_docker.sh
    • Inside the container:
      roslaunch manipulation demo_moveit.launch
  3. Run the block detection action server

    • Attach a terminal to the docker container
      bash terminal_docker.sh
    • Inside the container:
      roslaunch block_detector perception.launch
      This launches the realsense camera node with calibration loaded from block_detector/config/realsense_easy.yaml, and the block detection action server.
  4. Start the stacking FSM node:

    • Attach a terminal to the docker container
      bash terminal_docker.sh
    • Inside the container:
      roslaunch fsm_handler handler.launch
      The stacking operation should begin! The motion is perpetual and the robot will build a tower and reset till the user stops the program. Happy Stacking!