
Website for orcasound.net

Primary LanguageElixirGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


This repo specifies the web backend and frontend for the Orcasound app that plays a live audio stream through the user's browser of choice. The backend is an Elixir app using the Phoenix framework. The Phoenix app serves a React app.


Orcasite uses PostGIS for location data inside of Postgres. To install on MacOS, run

brew install postgis


Language-level dependencies can be found under .tool-versions. As of this writing, they are:

erlang 21.0.4
elixir 1.7.1
nodejs 10.4.0

You can use a library like asdf to manage your language dependencies.


Once Erlang, Elixir, and Nodejs are installed and the repository has been cloned, install the project's dependencies with this command in the root directory:

mix deps.get

Set up the database with

mix ecto.create


mix ecto.migrate

Setting up the frontend requires npm. To set up the frontend:

cd assets


npm install

For the moment, there is only one feed to listen to. To create the feed in the database, start a console in the root directory:

iex -S mix

In the console, run:

attrs = %{location_point: Geo.WKT.decode!("SRID=4326;POINT(47.60621 -122.33207)"), name: "Orcasound Lab (Haro Strait)", node_name: "rpi_orcasound_lab", slug: "orcasound-lab"}


Finally, in another terminal, run the server with

iex -S mix phx.server

You should now be able to see the page when visiting



For the moment, this app is running in a heroku instance with mix phx.server. To access the console, run:

heroku run POOL_SIZE=2 iex -S mix

The POOL_SIZE config var is necessary due to the current Postgres db having 20 connections. You can read more about it here.