
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Substrait Consumer Integration Tests

Table of Contents


This testing repository provides instructions on how to add and run substrait integration tests. The tests are organized into two categories; tpch tests (which test common benchmark queries) and substrait function tests (which test individual extension functions). Test data is created using DuckDB at the start of the test class using the prepare_tpch_parquet_data fixture, which is located in substrait_consumer/conftest.py.


Create and activate your conda environment with python3.9:

conda create -y -n substrait_consumer_testing -c conda-forge python=3.9 openjdk
conda activate substrait_consumer_testing

Note: Java is used by Jpype to access the Isthmus producer.
JPype should work with all versions of Java but to see details on which versions are officially supported see https://jpype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html

Install requirements from the top level directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install the project in the developer mode (recommended)

git submodule init
git submodule update --init
cd consumer-testing

This shell script may not work on Windows environments.

python3 setup.py develop

How to Run Tests

TPCH tests are located in the substrait_consumer/tests/integration folder and substrait function tests are located in the substrait_consumer/tests/functional folder.

Tests are run with pytest.

TPCH Tests:

cd substrait_consumer/tests/integration/
pytest test_acero_tpch.py

Function Tests:

cd substrait_consumer/tests/functional/

# Run all function tests:
pytest extension_functions

# Run a single function test:
pytest extension_functions/test_arithmetic_functions.py

TPCH Tests

TPCH test files are located in the substrait_consumer/tests/integration folder.

Test Case Args

Test case arguments are located in substrait_consumer/tests/integration/queries/tpch_test_cases.py. They specify the parquet files, the SQL query, and substrait query plan that will be used for the test cases.


        "test_name": "test_tpch_sql_1",
        "file_names": ["lineitem.parquet"],
        "sql_query": get_sql("q1.sql"),
        "substrait_query": get_substrait_plan("query_1_plan.json"),
        "test_name": "test_tpch_sql_2",
        "file_names": [
        "sql_query": get_sql("q2.sql"),
        "substrait_query": get_substrait_plan("query_2_plan.json"),

Substrait Plans

Substrait query plans are located in substrait_consumer/tests/integration/queries/tpch_substrait_plans. The substrait query plans have placeholder strings in the local_files objects in the json structure.

"local_files": {
  "items": [
      "uri_file": "file://FILENAME_PLACEHOLDER_0",
      "parquet": {}

When the tests are run, these placeholders are replaced by the parquet data listed listed in "file_names" in the test case args file. The order of parquet file appearance in the "file_names" list should be consistent with the ordering for the table names in the substrait query plan.

SQL Queries

SQL queries are located in substrait_consumer/tests/integration/queries/tpch_sql.

The SQL queries have empty bracket placeholders ('{}') where the table names will be inserted. Table names are determined based on the "file_names" in the test case args file. The order of parquet file appearance in the "file_names" list should be consistent with the ordering for the table names in the SQL query. The actual format after replacement will depend on the consumer being used.

Function Tests

The substrait function tests aim to test the functions available in Substrait. This is done by converting queries (SQL/Ibis expressions) into substrait plans via various producers and running the substrait plans on different consumers. The results of running the substrait plans are then compared to an expected result, which is determined by running the original query against a trusted engine (currently we use DuckDB).

Substrait function test files are located in the substrait_consumer/functional/extension_functions folder.

Test Case Args

Test case arguments located in substrait_consumer/functional/queries/{*_tests}.py. They specify the parquet files, an SQL query, and an ibis expression.

The tests also take in the consumer and producer as test input via the producer/consumer test fixtures, which are defined in substrait_consumer/conftest.py. The fixtures allow the tests to cycle through all combinations of producers and consumers.


        "test_name": "add",
        "file_names": ["partsupp.parquet"],
        "sql_query": SQL_SCALAR["add"],
        "ibis_expr": IBIS_SCALAR["add"],

SQL Queries

The SQL queries are located in substrait_consumer/functional/queries/sql. arithmetic_functions_sql.py

        FROM '{}';

Ibis Expressions

The Ibis expressions are located in substrait_consumer/functional/queries/ibis_expressions. arithmetic_functions_expr.py

def add_expr(partsupp, lineitem, t):
    new_col = (partsupp.ps_partkey + partsupp.ps_suppkey).name("ADD_KEY")
    return partsupp[partsupp.ps_partkey, partsupp.ps_suppkey, new_col]

    "add": add_expr,

How to Add Producers

Producers should be added to the substrait_consumer/producers.py file and provide methods on how to produce the substrait query plan. Look at DuckDBProducer class for an example implementation.

In order for the test to use the new producer, the producer class name should also be added to the PRODUCERS list in substrait_consumer/conftest.py.

How to Add Consumers

Consumers should be added to the substrait_consumer/consumers.py file and provide methods on how to run the substrait query plan against that consumer. Look at AceroConsumer class for an example implementation.

In order for the test to use the new consumer, the consumer class name should also be added to the CONSUMERS list in substrait_consumer/conftest.py.