
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



Set Up Environment

module load anaconda
conda create --name ENVSCIAPPS python=3.7
conda activate ENVSCIAPPS
conda install -c anaconda hdf5 theano pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
conda install -c conda-forge keras=2
conda install numba
pip3 install astropy
pip3 install patsy
pip3 install statsmodels
conda install -c conda-forge tensorflow==1.14.0
pip3 install tables
pip3 install requests

git clone git@github.com:vibhatha/Benchmarks.git
cd Benchmarks/
cd Pilot1/Uno

git branch
git checkout loocv

Uno Sample Run Logs


python uno_baseline_keras2.py --train_sources all --cache cache/all --use_landmark_genes True --preprocess_rnaseq source_scale --no_feature_source True --no_response_source True


Importing candle utils for keras
Configuration file:  /home/vibhatha/sandbox/UNO/Benchmarks/Pilot1/Uno/uno_default_model.txt
{'activation': 'relu',
 'base_lr': None,
 'batch_normalization': False,
 'batch_size': 32,
 'cell_features': ['rnaseq'],
 'cell_types': None,
 'cv': 1,
 'dense': [1000, 1000, 1000],
 'dense_feature_layers': [1000, 1000, 1000],
 'drop': 0,
 'drug_features': ['descriptors', 'fingerprints'],
 'epochs': 10,
 'feature_subsample': 0,
 'learning_rate': None,
 'loss': 'mse',
 'max_val_loss': 1.0,
 'no_gen': False,
 'optimizer': 'adam',
 'reduce_lr': False,
 'residual': False,
 'rng_seed': 2018,
 'save_path': 'save/uno',
 'scaling': 'std',
 'solr_root': '',
 'test_sources': ['train'],
 'timeout': 3600,
 'train_sources': ['GDSC', 'CTRP', 'ALMANAC'],
 'validation_split': 0.2,
 'verbose': False,
 'warmup_lr': False}
{'activation': 'relu',
 'agg_dose': None,
 'base_lr': None,
 'batch_normalization': False,
 'batch_size': 32,
 'by_cell': None,
 'by_drug': None,
 'cache': 'cache/all',
 'cell_feature_subset_path': '',
 'cell_features': ['rnaseq'],
 'cell_subset_path': '',
 'cell_types': None,
 'cp': False,
 'cv': 1,
 'datatype': <class 'numpy.float32'>,
 'dense': [1000, 1000, 1000],
 'dense_feature_layers': [1000, 1000, 1000],
 'drop': 0,
 'drug_feature_subset_path': '',
 'drug_features': ['descriptors', 'fingerprints'],
 'drug_median_response_max': 1,
 'drug_median_response_min': -1,
 'drug_subset_path': '',
 'epochs': 10,
 'es': False,
 'experiment_id': 'EXP000',
 'export_csv': None,
 'export_data': None,
 'feature_subsample': 0,
 'feature_subset_path': '',
 'gpus': [],
 'growth_bins': 0,
 'initial_weights': None,
 'learning_rate': None,
 'logfile': None,
 'loss': 'mse',
 'max_val_loss': 1.0,
 'no_feature_source': True,
 'no_gen': False,
 'no_response_source': True,
 'optimizer': 'adam',
 'output_dir': '/home/vibhatha/sandbox/UNO/Benchmarks/Pilot1/Uno/Output/EXP000/RUN000',
 'partition_by': None,
 'preprocess_rnaseq': 'source_scale',
 'reduce_lr': False,
 'residual': False,
 'rng_seed': 2018,
 'run_id': 'RUN000',
 'save_path': 'save/uno',
 'save_weights': None,
 'scaling': 'std',
 'shuffle': False,
 'single': False,
 'solr_root': '',
 'tb': False,
 'tb_prefix': 'tb',
 'test_sources': ['train'],
 'timeout': 3600,
 'train_bool': True,
 'train_sources': ['all'],
 'use_exported_data': None,
 'use_filtered_genes': False,
 'use_landmark_genes': True,
 'validation_split': 0.2,
 'verbose': None,
 'warmup_lr': False}
WARNING:tensorflow:From uno_baseline_keras2.py:48: The name tf.set_random_seed is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.set_random_seed instead.

Params: {'train_sources': ['all'], 'test_sources': ['train'], 'cell_types': None, 'cell_features': ['rnaseq'], 'drug_features': ['descriptors', 'fingerprints'], 'dense': [1000, 1000, 1000], 'dense_feature_layers': [1000, 1000, 1000], 'activation': 'relu', 'loss': 'mse', 'optimizer': 'adam', 'scaling': 'std', 'drop': 0, 'epochs': 10, 'batch_size': 32, 'validation_split': 0.2, 'cv': 1, 'max_val_loss': 1.0, 'learning_rate': None, 'base_lr': None, 'residual': False, 'reduce_lr': False, 'warmup_lr': False, 'batch_normalization': False, 'feature_subsample': 0, 'rng_seed': 2018, 'save_path': 'save/uno', 'no_gen': False, 'verbose': None, 'solr_root': '', 'timeout': 3600, 'logfile': None, 'train_bool': True, 'experiment_id': 'EXP000', 'run_id': 'RUN000', 'shuffle': False, 'gpus': [], 'agg_dose': None, 'by_cell': None, 'by_drug': None, 'cell_subset_path': '', 'drug_subset_path': '', 'drug_median_response_min': -1, 'drug_median_response_max': 1, 'no_feature_source': True, 'no_response_source': True, 'use_landmark_genes': True, 'use_filtered_genes': False, 'feature_subset_path': '', 'cell_feature_subset_path': '', 'drug_feature_subset_path': '', 'preprocess_rnaseq': 'source_scale', 'es': False, 'cp': False, 'tb': False, 'tb_prefix': 'tb', 'partition_by': None, 'cache': 'cache/all', 'single': False, 'export_csv': None, 'export_data': None, 'use_exported_data': None, 'growth_bins': 0, 'initial_weights': None, 'save_weights': None, 'datatype': <class 'numpy.float32'>, 'output_dir': '/home/vibhatha/sandbox/UNO/Benchmarks/Pilot1/Uno/Output/EXP000/RUN000'}
Cache parameter file does not exist: cache/all.params.json
Loading data from scratch ...
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/rescaled_combined_single_drug_growth
1456185344/1456184548 [==============================] - 391s

load_single_dose_response : Time = 416.46823620796204 s
Loaded 27769716 single drug dose response measurements
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/ComboDrugGrowth_Nov2017.csv
611483648/611508384 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/NCI60_CELLNAME_to_Combo.txt
8192/2819 [=======================================================================================] - 0s

load_combo_dose_response : Time = 173.42562413215637 s
Loaded 3686475 drug pair dose response measurements
Combined dose response data contains sources: ['CCLE' 'CTRP' 'gCSI' 'GDSC' 'NCI60' 'SCL' 'SCLC' 'ALMANAC.FG'
load_combined_dose_response : Time = 603.7396519184113 s
Summary of combined dose response by source:
summarize_response_data : Time = 30.22744655609131 s
              Growth  Sample  Drug1  Drug2
ALMANAC.1A    208605      60    102    102
ALMANAC.FF   2062098      60     92     71
ALMANAC.FG   1415772      60    100     29
CCLE           93251     504     24      0
CTRP         6171005     887    544      0
GDSC         1894212    1075    249      0
NCI60       18862308      59  52671      0
SCL           301336      65    445      0
SCLC          389510      70    526      0
gCSI           58094     409     16      0
encode_sources : Time = 0.021260976791381836 s
	 DF Drop 3.0991132259368896 s
	 DF Concat Drop Duplicates DropNa ResetIndex 1.5396080017089844 s
Combined raw dose response data has 3070 unique samples and 53520 unique drugs
Limiting drugs to those with response min <= 1, max >= -1, span >= 0, median_min <= -1, median_max >= 1 ...
select_drugs_with_response_range : Time = 7.644067764282227 s
Selected 47005 drugs from 53520
read_set_from_file : Time = 1.1205673217773438e-05 s
read_set_from_file : Time = 4.0531158447265625e-06 s
	 Read Set From File 5.435943603515625e-05 s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/combined_rnaseq_data_lincs1000_source_scale
100630528/100635564 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s
Loaded combined RNAseq data: (15198, 943)
load_cell_rnaseq : Time = 28.92943525314331 s
	 Load Cell rnaseq 28.929776906967163 s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/drug_info
90112/82273 [================================] - 0s

load_drug_info : Time = 0.33562254905700684 s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/Combined_PubChem_dragon7_descriptors.tsv
9568256/9602258 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s
	 CSV Read Time 1.439681053161621 s
	 DF Iloc Time 4.76837158203125e-07 s
	 Dict Conv Time Time 0.0009386539459228516 s
	 CSV Read with DType Cols Time 0.4577667713165283 s
	 Other DF Ops 0.010889530181884766 s
load_drug_set_descriptors : Time = 4.766966104507446 s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/NCI60_dragon7_descriptors.tsv
971177984/971172032 [==============================] - 261s

	 CSV Read Time 0.956519603729248 s
	 DF Iloc Time 4.76837158203125e-07 s
	 Dict Conv Time Time 0.0009281635284423828 s
	 CSV Read with DType Cols Time 32.263375997543335 s
	 Other DF Ops 2.2116641998291016 s
load_drug_set_descriptors : Time = 296.9688265323639 s
	 Other DF Ops [iloc, impute, concat, extraction] 14.797099828720093 s
Loaded combined dragon7 drug descriptors: (53507, 5271)
load_drug_descriptors : Time = 316.9221656322479 s
load_drug_info : Time = 0.012031316757202148 s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/Combined_PubChem_dragon7_PFP.tsv
1032192/1069338 [===========================>..] - ETA: 0s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/Combined_PubChem_dragon7_ECFP.tsv
1048576/1069355 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s
load_drug_set_fingerprints : Time = 1.67649245262146 s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/NCI60_dragon7_PFP.tsv
108773376/108805893 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s
Downloading data from http://ftp.mcs.anl.gov/pub/candle/public/benchmarks/Pilot1/combo/NCI60_dragon7_ECFP.tsv
108707840/108805910 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s
load_drug_set_fingerprints : Time = 65.52673506736755 s
Loaded combined dragon7 drug fingerprints: (53507, 2049)
load_drug_fingerprints : Time = 68.74209570884705 s
Filtering drug response data...
	 Merge DF 1 cellids 0.0077326297760009766 s
  2375 molecular samples with feature and response data
	 Merge DF 2 drug_ids 0.06518912315368652 s
	 Merge DF 3 merge 0.03043985366821289 s
  46837 selected drugs with feature and response data
	 DF isin/isnull 5.406120538711548 s
Summary of filtered dose response by source:
summarize_response_data : Time = 22.24741530418396 s
              Growth  Sample  Drug1  Drug2
ALMANAC.1A    206580      60    101    101
ALMANAC.FF   2062098      60     92     71
ALMANAC.FG   1293465      60     98     27
CCLE           80213     474     22      0
CTRP         3397103     812    311      0
GDSC         1022204     672    213      0
NCI60       17190561      59  46272      0
gCSI           50822     357     16      0
load_drug_info : Time = 0.0031385421752929688 s
Grouped response data by drug_pair: 51763 groups
assign_partition_groups : Time = 14.854915618896484 s
	 DF assign 16.11030912399292 s
Input features shapes:
  dose1: (1,)
  dose2: (1,)
  cell.rnaseq: (942,)
  drug1.descriptors: (5270,)
  drug1.fingerprints: (2048,)
  drug2.descriptors: (5270,)
  drug2.fingerprints: (2048,)
Total input dimensions: 15580
Saved data to cache: cache/all.pkl
CombinedDataLoader.load : Time = 1119.5683727264404 s
Combined model:
Model: "model_1"
Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to
input.cell.rnaseq (InputLayer)  (None, 942)          0
input.drug1.descriptors (InputL (None, 5270)         0
input.drug1.fingerprints (Input (None, 2048)         0
input.drug2.descriptors (InputL (None, 5270)         0
input.drug2.fingerprints (Input (None, 2048)         0
input.dose1 (InputLayer)        (None, 1)            0
input.dose2 (InputLayer)        (None, 1)            0
cell.rnaseq (Model)             (None, 1000)         2945000     input.cell.rnaseq[0][0]
drug.descriptors (Model)        (None, 1000)         7273000     input.drug1.descriptors[0][0]
drug.fingerprints (Model)       (None, 1000)         4051000     input.drug1.fingerprints[0][0]
concatenate_1 (Concatenate)     (None, 5002)         0           input.dose1[0][0]
dense_10 (Dense)                (None, 1000)         5003000     concatenate_1[0][0]
dense_11 (Dense)                (None, 1000)         1001000     dense_10[0][0]
dense_12 (Dense)                (None, 1000)         1001000     dense_11[0][0]
dense_13 (Dense)                (None, 1)            1001        dense_12[0][0]
Total params: 21,275,001
Trainable params: 21,275,001
Non-trainable params: 0
partition:train, rank:0, sharded index size:20158304, batch_size:32, steps:629947
partition:val, rank:0, sharded index size:5144704, batch_size:32, steps:160772
Between random pairs in y_val:
  mse: 0.6069
  mae: 0.5458
  r2: -1.0000
  corr: 0.0000
Data points per epoch: train = 20158304, val = 5144704
Steps per epoch: train = 629947, val = 160772
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/vibhatha/anaconda3/envs/ENVSCIAPPS/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/backend/tensorflow_backend.py:422: The name tf.global_variables is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.global_variables instead.

Epoch 1/10

Distributed Data Parallel with MPI,PyCylon and PyTorch

import os
import sys
import tempfile
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.optim as optim
import socket
from torch.multiprocessing import Process
import mpi4py.rc
mpi4py.rc.initialize = False
from mpi4py import MPI
from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP
from pycylon import CylonContext
from pycylon.net import MPIConfig

class ToyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(ToyModel, self).__init__()
        self.net1 = nn.Linear(10, 10)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()
        self.net2 = nn.Linear(10, 5)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.net2(self.relu(self.net1(x)))

def demo_basic(rank, world_size):
    print(f"Running basic DDP example on rank {rank}.")    

    # create model and move it to GPU with id rank
    model = ToyModel()
    ddp_model = DDP(model)

    loss_fn = nn.MSELoss()
    optimizer = optim.SGD(ddp_model.parameters(), lr=0.001)

    outputs = ddp_model(torch.randn(20, 10))
    labels = torch.randn(20, 5)
    loss_fn(outputs, labels).backward()

def run(rank, size, hostname):
    print(f"I am {rank} of {size} in {hostname}")
    tensor = torch.zeros(1)
    if rank == 0:
        tensor += 1
        # Send the tensor to process 1
        dist.send(tensor=tensor, dst=1)
        # Receive tensor from process 0
        dist.recv(tensor=tensor, src=0)
    print('Rank ', rank, ' has data ', tensor[0])

def init_processes(rank, size, hostname, fn, backend='tcp'):
    """ Initialize the distributed environment. """
    dist.init_process_group(backend, rank=rank, world_size=size)
    mpi_config = MPIConfig()
    ctx = CylonContext(config=mpi_config, distributed=True)
    fn(rank, size)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    world_size = int(os.environ['OMPI_COMM_WORLD_SIZE'])
    world_rank = int(os.environ['OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK'])
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    init_processes(world_rank, world_size, hostname, demo_basic, backend='mpi')

Data Pre-Processing Feature Selection Example

  1. https://github.com/vibhatha/Benchmarks/tree/master/examples/M16
  2. https://github.com/tirthajyoti/Machine-Learning-with-Python/blob/master/Clustering-Dimensionality-Reduction/K_Means_Clustering_Practice.ipynb
  3. https://towardsdatascience.com/deep-learning-using-pytorch-for-tabular-data-c68017d8b480
  4. https://towardsdatascience.com/data-handling-using-pandas-machine-learning-in-real-life-be76a697418c
  5. https://towardsdatascience.com/data-manipulation-for-machine-learning-with-pandas-ab23e79ba5de
  6. https://www.kaggle.com/vibhatha/data-analysis-and-feature-extraction-with-python/edit