- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
Function pg_background_discard_result does not exist in pg_background version 1.2
#55 opened by epolkerman - 9
- 3
- 10
v_1.2 release zip is missing files
#53 opened by probitdavid - 1
Can't achieve asynchronous using pg_background_detach(pg_background_launch('INSERT QUERY'))
#54 opened by NITHISH862002 - 5
Extension version 1.0 in release v1.2
#50 opened by xinferum - 8
- 2
Extension version 1.0 in release v1.1
#45 opened by xinferum - 3
Does pg_background support PostgreSQL 15.3?
#46 opened by pgloader - 4
- 6
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/pg_background": No such file or directory
#44 opened by tayalarun1 - 18
cannot accept type record
#39 opened by mtvan - 4
If I just call pg_background_launch() is that good enough for an Asynchronous call?
#40 opened by kirkw - 4
Stall process
#33 opened by alabarga - 2
calling vacuum with it from procedure
#38 opened by MichaelDBA - 1
New release for PostgreSQL 14
#36 opened by vibhorkum - 3
Visual Studio 2015 patch and project files; works with EDB PostgreSQL 9.6, Windows 10, x64
#2 opened by smagnet - 18
add this extension in the PGDG rpm repository
#34 opened by didmicang - 5
Feature:: Function to run queries in the background without being attached to a session.
#1 opened by knizhnik - 3
make file not working with MinGW
#20 opened by legrandlegrand - 1
Status of long running queries in background
#28 opened by vielfarbig - 3
What is the result rowtype from a call to a procedure with multiple out parameters?
#13 opened by sa73917 - 1
background query not executed with pg_background_detach(pg_background_launch('...'))
#6 opened by radist-nt - 5
out of memory
#30 opened by xencloudtech - 11
- 10
- 2
- 1
transaction safety with stored procedures
#23 opened by merlinm - 1
ERROR: could not access file "$libdir/pg_background": No such file or directory
#27 opened by Ryo51289 - 2
- 2
Installation issues
#24 opened by DustbeenSites - 1
Cannot create extension on PG v10
#17 opened by MichaelDBA - 3
Error when make with Postgresql 11
#9 opened by denoley - 2
- 0
- 3
Error when make with postgres 10
#25 opened by yohmartinmaif - 1
- 2
Trouble Installing
#11 opened by danielleevandenbosch - 3
Possible to access parent SQL session data?
#8 opened by palmerj - 1
- 4
Permission errors after latest changes
#5 opened by Chillybeans - 1
Return result from autonomous transaction
#3 opened by trourance