
A simple note taking contract with the basic CRUD operations and an option to share a note with another account on the network


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 * initialize contract with owner ID and other config data
 * (note: this method is called "constructor" in the singleton contract code)
function init(master: AccountId): void

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 * give thanks to the owner of the contract
 * @Params and optionally attach tokens
function create(note: string): bool

 * Edit a note
 *    @Params
 *    content: partial content of the note to be edited
 *    note: the new content, either to be appended to the earlier note or to replace the note
 *    append: if the "note" is to replace the previous note or append to it
function edit(content: string, note: string, append: bool): bool

 * Delete a note
 *    @Params
 *    content: partial content of the note to be deleted
function delete(content: string): bool

 * Get an existing note
 *    @Params
 *    content: partial content of the note to be fetched
function get(content: string): Note

 * List all the notes for an account
function list(): Array<Note>

 * Share a note to another account
 *    @Params
 *    target_account_id: the account the note is to be shared to,
 *    content: content of the note to be shared
function shareNote_new(target_account_id: AccountId, content: string): void

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 * Clear the entire database for all users
function clear(): void



To deploy the contract for development, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo locally.
  2. Run yarn to install dependencies.
  3. Run yarn dev-dep to deploy the contract (this uses near dev-deploy).
  4. Run export CONTRACT=<the ID of your dev account>.
  5. You can also deploy the contract to a specified account by using yarn dep.

Your contract is now ready to use.

To use the contract you can do any of the following:

Public commands

  • Create a note on the mentioned account ID

    near call $CONTRACT create '{"note": "<string>"}' --accountId <your account ID>
  • Edit a note on the mentioned account ID

    near call $CONTRACT edit '{"content": "<string>","note": "<string>", "append": true/false}' --accountId <your account ID>
  • Delete a note on the mentioned account ID

    near call $CONTRACT delete '{"content": "<string>"}' --accountId <your account ID>
  • Get a note with the mentioned account ID

    near call $CONTRACT get '{"content": "<string>"}' --accountId <your account ID>
  • Share a note with the mentioned account ID from your account

    near call $CONTRACT shareNote_new '{"target_account_id": "<AccountID>", "content": "<string>"}' --accountId <your account ID>
  • List all the notes with the mentioned account ID

    near call $CONTRACT list --accountId <your account ID>

Owner commands

  • Initialise the contract with the master

    near call $CONTRACT init '{"master": "'$CONTRACT'"}' --accountId $CONTRACT
  • Clear the entire database across all accounts

    near call $CONTRACT clear --accountId $CONTRACT