NEAR Protocol Contract development issues


  1. Task: Create an account via RPC (Remote Procedural Calls) and deploy a contract on the account and initialise the contract.

Issue: Account gets created, the contract is deployed successfully but the function call gives a deserialization error Log: "Error while deserilalizing the module"

  1. Task: Delete the previously created account via RPCs

Issue: I tried the following 3 approaches to do this task, (but none of them worked giving an "ActorNoPermission" error)

1.  Revoking the access-key of the sub account and then deleting the account.

2.  Deleting the account without revoking the access key of the sub account.

3.  Creating and deleting the account in one promise itself.

Log: Sample Transaction link:


// ------------------------------------
// contract initialization
// ------------------------------------

 * initialize contract with owner ID and other config data
 * (note: this method is called "constructor" in the singleton contract code)
function init(owner: AccountId, allow_anonymous: bool = true): void;

// ------------------------------------
// public methods
// ------------------------------------

 * the method creating an account and deploying contract via RPCs
function log(): void;



To deploy the contract for development, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo locally.
  2. Run yarn to install dependencies.
  3. Run yarn dev-dep to deploy the contract (this uses near dev-deploy).
  4. Run export CONTRACT=<the ID of your dev account>.
  5. You can also deploy the contract to a specified account by using yarn dep.
  6. Execute this command for initiliazing the contract
 near call $CONTRACT init '{"owner":"'$CONTRACT'"}' --accountId $CONTRACT

Your contract is now ready to use.

To use the contract you can do any of the following:

Public commands

  • Command description

    near call $CONTRACT <function name> <'{"key": "value>"}'> --accountId <your account ID>

Owner commands

  • Command description

    near call $CONTRACT <function name> <'{"key": "value>"}'> --accountId <your account ID>