
Audio Steganography and Encryption based application where people can send text messages that are encrypted and hidden in audio.

Primary LanguagePython


Audio Steganography is a technique used to transmit hidden information by modifying an audio signal in an imperceptible manner. It is the science of hiding some secret text or audio information in a host message. The host message before steganography and stego message after steganography have the same characteristics. We are using Audio steganography along with RSA algo to provide 2 level security.


  • The files for the project are as follows

    • A sender(Encryption) module(RSA)
    • A receiver(Decrytion) Module(RSA)
    • A encoder module(steganography)
    • A decoder module(steganography)
    • prime number used to check and generate the prime numbers
    • sample-song folder contains a song
    • embedded_song.wav is the song where the message has been stored in the LSB of each byte of the song The modules are used in a manner as described in this image WorkFlow

    We are doing all the work here from sending the message to adding the message for the reciever.

    • The message is stored in the LSB of each frame_byte of the song
    • First the sender prompts the receiver via message.txt that it wants to send a message
    • The reciever module makes 2 set of keys (One private and One public) shares the public key to the sender(via message.txt) and keeps the private key to itself
    • The sender encrypts the data with the key and puts on the audio wav file.
    • Encoder module calculates all the frame bytes of the audio file and chahnges the last bit of each byte to store the encrypted data.
    • On the receiver side the decoder decodes the encrypted data from the audio. It then calls the receiver module.
    • The data is then decrypted by the receiver module using its private key.

Note that we are not sending the public key via steganography just the encrypted message is sent. 2 level concealing of the message has been done

Sender Module(Prompt)--->Receiver Module(generates key)--->Sender(encrpyts data)--->Encode(puts the encrypted data in Audio using LSB technique)--->Decode(retrieves the data from audio)--->Receiver(decrypts the data using private key)

steps to use the module

  • clone this repository to sender and the receiver
  • run the gui python script with python 3.8
  • on the receiver tab generate the keys. keep the private key to yourself and share the public key with the sender(enter the small prime numbers for a better expereice)
  • if you are the sender then on the sender Tab type your message, enter the public keys and select the audio file.
  • share the audio file with the receiver.

tech stacks used

  • Tkinter was used to make the GUI.
  • Python wave library was used for the steganography.
  • About RSA algo

future works/ improvements

  • the length of the message is limited by the song. New methods to be discovered so that more info can be transmitted through the same song
  • better crypoptography algos than RSA can be used
  • The whole system can be made available on cloud for better expereice to the users

vibhusehra@gmail.com || doshirishabh26@gmail.com