
About this micro service

This micro-service is powered by Flask with connexion which auto handles all HTTP request mapping
For details refer to swagger.yaml

Release Note (Feb 2, 2020)

  1. Refactored code structure to follow best practices including the use of facade, and DTO mapper, to improve code readability and maintainability.
  2. Previous Violations to Swagger contract have all been resolved.
  3. Enabled response validation in Flask App to ensure developer maintain the integrity of swagger
  4. TODO items: refer to TODO section


Install pip
Make sure to have python3
that's it

Running on Local

A script is provided to help with dev setup and running

From project root directory, run ./scripts/ will create a virtual env and install all dependencies

After virtual env is set up, run ./scripts/ will boot up the server on localhost:8822

API Endpoints

Note: API testing should strictly be based on swagger file, NOT any source of documentation

Use swagger file to examine Endpoint structure click here for swagger editor

Note: To try it out in Dev environment using swagger editor, update the host to host: and schemes to HTTPS. To try it out in Local environemnt using editor, udpate the host to your loopback address and schemes to HTTP, NOT HTTPS. Dev envirinment will NOT redirect HTTP call to HTTPS. It is developer's repsponsibility to ensure usage of HTTPS calls

TODO (Fed 2, 2019)

  1. Bootstrap Flask (in progress) (Done)
  2. Database provision (done)
  3. Team meeting
  4. Unit Test (Long overdue)...


Copy and paste swagger file to online editor to view API structure here

Swagger file validation

install swagger-cli using npm: run npm i -g swagger-cli
validate file by running swagger-cli validate ./swagger/swagger.yaml Online editor also provides validation here

API Requirements:

Database implemented in no-sql in dynomoDB or mongoDB

  • Will probably have to listen to kafka pipeline
  • Heartbeat to indicate sensor is healthy
  • Sensors and bearings in the same database
  1. Ability to query a list of installed sensors
  2. Ability to query the status of each sensor
  3. Ability to query information about a sensor
  4. Query the total number of sensors
  5. Ability to add a new sensor
  6. Ability to remove a sensor
  7. Ability to check the health of a sensor