
Base16 themes for Emacs

Primary LanguageEmacs LispMIT LicenseMIT

https://stable.melpa.org/packages/base16-theme-badge.svg http://melpa.org/packages/base16-theme-badge.svg

Base16 themes for Emacs

Base16 provides carefully chosen syntax highlighting and a default set of sixteen colors suitable for a wide range of applications. Base16 is not a single theme but a set of guidelines with numerous implementations.

This repository contains the Emacs templates and MELPA. It can be built by using one of the builders listed on the main Base16 page.

If you notice anything that looks strange or if this repo is missing any scheme updates, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


Theme previews can be found here. The generator can be found on the gh-pages branch, so if you have ideas for improvements, they can go there.


evil-mode doesn’t provide a way for themes to set the cursor color, so if you’re interested in matching the base16 spaceline indicator, you can use the following snippet:

;; Set the cursor color based on the evil state
(defvar my/base16-colors base16-default-dark-colors)
(setq evil-emacs-state-cursor   `(,(plist-get my/base16-colors :base0D) box)
      evil-insert-state-cursor  `(,(plist-get my/base16-colors :base0D) bar)
      evil-motion-state-cursor  `(,(plist-get my/base16-colors :base0E) box)
      evil-normal-state-cursor  `(,(plist-get my/base16-colors :base0B) box)
      evil-replace-state-cursor `(,(plist-get my/base16-colors :base08) bar)
      evil-visual-state-cursor  `(,(plist-get my/base16-colors :base09) box))


Current maintainer: belak

Previous maintainers: