Movie Django App

There are 2 apps in the service: Authentication and Films


Authentication which allows a user to create and update a user The following endpoints are exposed:

  • route /auth/profile/ method=GET|POST|PUT|DELETE. In case of POST|PUT the fields required are the following: email username first_name last_name password
  • route /auth/login/ method=POST the fields required are the following: username (refers to Email) password Returns a token necessary for using the other APIs

note: The data must be sent as form-data

Films which allows an authenticated user to consult movies and persons available in the catalog

  • route /movies/ method=GET Returns a list of movies
  • route /movies?title=title method=GET Returns a list of movies which contains the title specified
  • route /movies?genre=genre method=GET Returns a list of movies which contains the genre specified
  • route /persons/ method=GET Returns a list of actors and directors
  • route /persons?name=name method=GET Returns a list of actors and directors which contains the name specified

note: every endpoint requires a header Authorization : Token token`

Prerequisited and Installation

  • Install python 3
  • Create virtual environment virtualenv -p python3 venv
  • Run pip install requirements.txt
  • Install postgress
  • Load the schemas and data to postgres (copy schema files to postgres instance)


  • Connect to postgres instance (Change settings file)
  • Run in cli python makemigrations
  • Run in cli python migrate
  • Run in cli python runserver