
VExtension for NTCore Explorer Suite aka CFF Explorer

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • Undecorate the decorated C++ symbol names in the Import/Export Directory tab.

  • Resolve symbol names for symbols that are imported by Ordinal in the Import Directory tab.

  • Shorten symbol name for several C++ libraries such as STL (you can easily modify or add more rules in the configuration file VExtension.json).

  • Auto Fit the Width of the Name Column in API Tables.


Copy the VExtension folder inside the bins folder to the Explorer Suite\Extensions\CFF Explorer directory.



Step 1. Required Visual Studio C++ 2019 or later.

Step 2. Install Vutils library

Step 3. Check this repository and start to work.


  • Release the 32-bit version.

  • Add GUI for options.

  • Resolve symbol names for symbols that are imported by Ordinal if they are possible.

  • Shorten symbol name for several C++ libraries such as STL, Boost, etc. Eg. std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits<char>> to std::ostream.

  • Auto fit width the Name column in API Table.

Website: https://vic.onl/