
Applitools Cross Browser Testing Hackathon

Primary LanguageJava

This repository has been designed for Applitools Cross Browser Testing Hackathon and includes automated tests for the Version 1 and Version 2 applications.


The project uses the following packages:

  • Selenium WebDriver 3.141.59
  • ChromeDriver 83.0.4103.97
  • GeckoDriver 0.26.0
  • Java JDK 11 or higher
  • Apache Maven 3.6.3
  • TestNG 7.1.0
  • AssertJ 3.16.1
  • Applitools Eyes SDK 3.162.0

Setup and Running Tests

  • Applitools API Key has been stored in the environment variables.
  • To execute traditional tests against Version 1, run TraditionalTestV1.xml suite. To run them against Version 2, use TraditionalTestV2.xml suite. The same applies for the modern tests.
  • The suites for traditional tests include all tests which will be running on Chrome and Firefox browsers with viewport sizes of 1200x700, 768x700 and 500x700.


  • As there were some differences in locators between V1 and V2, separate files have been created for each version of tests. For Version 1, traditional test results will be written in traditional-V1-TestResults.txt file, and for Version 2 they will be recorded in traditional-V2-TestResults.txt file.
  • Used Chrome v83.0.4 and Firefox v77.0.1 browsers (the latest ones that Linux supports).
  • Edge Chromium is not available on Linux, that's why it's missing in these tests.
  • Drivers in this project have been downloaded for Linux system. So if you are working on another platform, make sure to download the corresponding ones.


Vica Markosyan