
Make vim suck less. A collection of configurations and plugins that turns vim in a better editor.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Rusted & Abandoned project

This project is long abandoned, and i don't even use this on vim anymore. I use spf13-vim and Atom nowadays...


Bla bla bla

Startervim is a collection of vim scripts, plugins and configurations that provides vim with sensible defaults and a sane plugin management system using pathogen.

The included bundles at the moment are:

* Vundle
* nerdtree
* nerdcommenter
* snipmate
* tabular
* syntastic
* delimitMate
* vim-fugitive 
* syntastic 


First you need to clone startervim and it's core dependencies:

$ git clone git://github.com/Frangossauro/startervim.git
$ git submodule update --init

Ok, we recommended you to make a backup ; that will be stored at ~/.vim-backup and install:

$ make backup
$ make install

And you're done! You now may wanna edit your ~/.vimrc, ~/.vimrc-keymaps and add your own bundles and tweaks to it.

Managing plugins/bundles

Startervim uses Vundle to manage it's bundles. You can safely install/ remove bundles without using any external helper and you can maintain your scripts always updated.

You have to be aware that Vundle doesn't fetch plugins listed on the www.vim-scripts.org page. If you need to install a plugin from vim-scripts page, you can use this github mirror.

How do i install new bundles?

Open your vimrc and add the following line

#       repo on github or vim-scripts mirror
Bundle 'tpope/vim-fugitive'

And now run :BundleInstall inside vim.

How do i remove a bundle ?

Open your vimrc and remove the specific bundle line. Run :BundleClean, and you're done :)

What about updating my bundles ?

Just run :UpdateBundles! inside vim.


  • tpope for cleaning the mess with vim plugins (pathogen).
  • gmarik for providing a native plugin manager for vim.
  • bronsom to his incredible work on vim-scripts mirror.