
Temporary spec to be merged into u-d-c when finalised


Temporary spec to be merged into u-d-c when finalised

Packaging drivers to be detected by ubuntu-drivers

User space

User space driver packages should expose the following entry in their debian/control file, followed by the list of the modaliases for the supported devices:

XB-Modaliases: ${modaliases}

Filling out the debian/$(pkg_name).modaliases file with a list of modaliases using the following formatting (one device per line):

alias pci:v0000${vendor}d0000${device}sv*sd*bc03sc*i* ${module_name} $package_name}

For example:

alias pci:v000010DEd00001340sv*sd*bc03sc*i* nvidia nvidia-driver-545

Calling dh_modaliases in the debian/rules will replace ${modaliases} with a representation of the modaliases.

[Optional] Kernel space

Driver packages consuming pre-built signed kernel modules in the Ubuntu archive should provide a meta-package which conflicts with their dkms package.

Where the DKMS based driver package is foo (or foo-dkms) and the non-DKMS package is foo-altkmod.

Package: foo-dkms
Package: foo-altkmod
XB-UbuntuDrivers: linux-modules-foo

While the former relies on DKMS, the latter will have its matching linux-modules (whose name scheme is described in the XB-UbuntuDrivers entry) depending on it, allowing the correct kernel modules to always be updated in sync with the kernel.