
A CORS-enabled Express proxy server ready to deploy to Heroku.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Heroku CORS proxy

Node Version Support: 7.6+ Build Status Coverage Status Dependencies Dev Dependencies license Version Greenkeeper badge

Deploy to Heroku

A CORS-enabled Express proxy server ready to deploy to Heroku.


  • Origin whitelisting
  • Caching
  • Automatic minification of HTML and JSON responses
  • Automatic brotli and/or gzip compression


  • Only GET requests are permitted
  • Requests without an origin header are rejected


All configuration is done via environment variables


A comma-separated list of domain names allowed to use the proxy.

For example, if you want the proxy to be accessible from www.foo.com and foo.com you can set this to www.foo.com,foo.com.

Leave empty to allow all origins.


Same as ORIGIN_WHITELIST, but for the domain names of URLs we're CORSing.


Amount of time, in milliseconds, that cacheable responses will be stored in Redis. Omit or set to 0 to disable caching.


Logging level. Permitted values, in order of priority:

  • emerg
  • alert
  • crit
  • error
  • warning
  • notice
  • info
  • debug

Supported versions
