
Primary LanguagePython

Writing PIR Pipelines with Python

This repository is under construction.


$ conda create -n pirlib python=3.8
$ conda activate pirlib
$ git clone https://github.com/petuum/pirlib
$ cd pirlib
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


A toy example is provided in example/example.py, it can be run in three different ways:

Running the script directly:

$ python example/example.py

It should output the YAML representation of the example pipeline, followed by the outputs of the pipeline itself.

Open up example/example.py and see what's inside.

Running with the pircli command:

$ bash example/run_inproc.sh

This script will (1) run the pircli command to convert serialize the pipeline into example/package_inproc.yml, and then (2) run the pircli command to execute the pipeline locally, feeding in inputs from example/inputs and saving its outputs to example/outputs.

Open up example/run_inproc.sh and example/package_inproc.yml and see what's inside.

Running locally as a Docker workflow:

The following steps require a existing docker installation.

$ bash example/run_docker.sh

This script will (1) automatically dockerize the local environment and serialize the pipeline into example/package_docker.yml, (2) generate a docker-compose workflow from the serialized pipeline and save it to example/docker-compose.yml, (3) execute the generated docker-compose workflow.

Open up example/run_docker.sh, example/package_docker.yml, and example/docker-compose.yml and see what's inside.


  • Running a single operator by calling it python-function style.
  • More comprehensive error checking and reporting.
  • More pluggable system for input readers and output writers.
  • Packinging nested pipelines into subgraphs instead of a single flattened graph.
  • Better thought out config file handling.
  • Docker serve backend.
  • Supporting (nested) Tuple/TypedDict argument and return values.
  • Supporting factory functions that produce handlers dynamically.
  • More comments and any unit tests at all.
  • Packaging a pip-installable and registering to pypi.