
AngularDart service for working with Rest APIs

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


AngularDart service for working with Rest APIs

Build Status

Main Abstractions

  • Document is what is sent over the wire, and it can include one or many resources. It is a String.
  • Resource is an addressable entity. It has a type, an id, and content. The content field is a Map.
  • ResourceStore sends resources over the wire.
  • ObjectStore converts objects into resources and sends them over the wire. It is built on top of ResourceStore.
  • HammockConfig configures some aspects of ResourceStore and ObjectStore.

Using Hammock

To use Hammock you need to install it:

module.install(new Hammock());

After that the following services will become injectable:

  • ResourceStore
  • ObjectStore
  • HammockConfig

Using Resource

You can create a resource like this:

resource("posts", 1, {"title": "some post"});

Resource has a type, an id, and content.

Using ResourceStore

The one function, which takes a resource type and an id, loads a resource.

Future<Resource> r = store.one("posts", 123) // GET "/posts/123"

The list function, which takes a resource type, loads all the resources of the given type.

Future<List<Resource>> rs = store.list("posts"); // GET "/posts"

The scope function, which takes a resource, allows fetching nested resources.

final post = resource("posts", 123);
Future<Resource> r = store.scope(post).one("comments", 456); // GET "/posts/123/comments/456"
Future<List<Resource>> rs = store.scope(post).list("comments"); // GET "/posts/123/comments"

scope returns a new store:

ResourceStore scopeStore = store.scope(post);

You can scope multiple times:


To create a resource you the create function:

final post = resource("posts", null, {"title": "New"}); // POST "/posts"

Use update to change the existing resource:

final post = resource("posts", 123, {"id": 123, "title": "New"}); // PUT "/posts/123"

Use delete to delete the existing resource:

final post = resource("posts", 123, {"id": 123, "title": "New"}); // DELETE "/posts/123"

Use `scope to create, update, and delete nested resources.

All the functions always return a new resource. For instance:

Future<Resource> createdPost = store.create(post);

Configuring ResourceStore

HammockConfig allows you to configure some aspects of ResourceStore.

Setting Up Route

config.set({"posts" : {"route" : "custom"}});

ResourceStore will use "custom" to build the url when fetching/saving posts. For instance:

store.one("posts", 123) // GET "/custom/123"

Setting Up UrlRewriter

config.urlRewriter.baseUrl = "/base";
config.urlRewriter.suffix = ".json";

store.one("posts", 123); // GET "/base/posts/123.json"

Or even like this:

config.urlRewriter = (url) => "$url.custom";

store.one("posts", 123); // GET "/posts/123.custom"


DocumentFormat defines how resources are serialized into documents. SimpleDocumentFormat is used by default. It can be overwritten as follows:

config.documentFormat = new CustomDocumentFormat();

Please, see integration_test.dart for more details.

Using ObjectStore

ObjectStore is responsible for:

  • Converting object into resources
  • Converting resources into objects
  • Updating objects
  • Using ResourceStore to send objects to the server

Suppose we have these classed defined:

class Post {
  int id;
  String title;

class Comment {
  int id;
  String text;

We want to be able to work with Posts and Comments, not with Maps. To do that we need to configure our store:

    "posts" : {
        "type" : Post,
        "deserializer" : deserializePost,
        "serializer" : serializePost
    "comments" : {
        "type": Comment,
        "deserializer" : deserializeComment,
        "serializer" : serializeComment

Where the serialization and deserialization functions are responsible for converting domain objects from/into resources.

Post deserializePost(Resource r) => new Post()
  ..id = r.id
  ..title = r.content["title"];

Resource serializePost(Post post) =>
    res("posts", post.id, {"id" : post.id, "title" : post.title});

Comment deserializeComment(Resource r) => new Comment()
  ..id = r.id
  ..text = r.content["text"];

Resource serializeComment(Comment comment) =>
    res("comments", comment.id, {"id" : comment.id, "text" : comment.text});

You don't have to define all these functions by hand. Any framework converting maps into objects and visa versa can be used here.

Now, having this configuration we can start loading and saving plain old Dart objects.

Future<Post> p = store.one(Post, 123);
Future<List<Post>> ps = store.all(Post);
Future<Comment> c = store.scope(post).one(Comment, 123);
Future<List<Comment>> cs = store.scope(post).all(Comment);

As you can see it is very similar to ResourceStore, but we can use our domain objects instead of Resource.

Similar to ResourceStore create, save, delete return a new object. For example:

final post = new Post()..id=123..title="title";
Future<Post> p = store.update(post); // PUT '/posts/123'

Let's say the backend returns the updated post object, for instance, serialized like this {"id":123,"title":"New"}.

final post = new Post()..id=123..title="title";
store.update(post).then((updatedPost) {

post was not updated, and instead a new post object was created. This is great cause it allows you to keep you objects immutable. Sometimes, however, we would like to treat our objects as entities and update them instead. To do that, we need configure our store differently:

    "posts" : {
      "type" : Post,
      "serializer" : serializePost,
      "updater" : updatePost

Where updatePost:

updatePost(Post post, Resource r) {
  post.title = r.content["title"];
  return post;

In this case:

final post = new Post()..id=123..title="title";
store.update(post).then((updatedPost) {

Design Principles

Plain old Dart objects. No active record.

Angular is different from other client-side frameworks. It lets you use simple framework-agnostic objects for your components, controllers, formatters, etc.

In my opinion making users inherit from some class is against the Angular spirit. This is especially true when talking about domain objects. They should not have to know anything about Angular or the backend. Any object, including a simple 'Map', should be possible to load and save, if you wish so.

This means that:


are not allowed.

Convention over Configuration

Everything should work with the minimum amount of configuration, but, if needed, be extensible. It should be possible to configure how data is serialized, deserialized, etc.