
Monorepo Setup Example with Docker

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Monorepo setup using docker-compose

Make sure you have docker installed. To run this

cp ./web/.env.example ./web/.env.local
cp ./server/.env.example ./server/.env
docker-compose up

Note that initial load is going to take sometime You should also add couple of channels in database manually if testing this locally You can also add channel via graphql: http://localhost:4000/graphql

mutation AddChannel($name: String!) {
    addChannel(name: $name)

# Variables
    "name": "#general"


Since App Runner currently doesn't support Websockets protocol, the deployment will work but graphql subscription won't work: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70414143/does-aws-app-runner-properly-support-websocket-connections/70852965#70852965. In the future, this might change and unblock the subscription feature.

Provisioning environment first

export DATABASE_SECRET=<your-db-secret>
export DATABASE_USERNAME=<your-db-username>
cdk boostrap
cdk deploy

Note that on most cases, you should restrain from execute these commands manually and instead these commands will be executed by your CI/CD

aws ecr get-login-password --region region | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin aws_account_id.dkr.ecr.region.amazonaws.com

Build & Push Web Image

docker build -t whatsupp-web ./web
docker tag whatsupp-web:latest <ecr-web-registry>:latest
docker push <ecr-web-registry>:latest

Build & Push Server Image

docker build -t whatsupp-server ./server
docker tag whatsupp-server:latest <ecr-server-registry>:latest
docker push <ecr-server-registry>:latest