
PlayerTracker plugin

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


With this plugin you can play manhunt with your friends.
Accepts multiple runners and multiple hunters
Version: 1.16.x - 1.17.x


/hunter [player]: You make a player or not be a hunter
/runner [player]: You make a player or not be a runner
/tl: send your current coordinates to all your team
/start: With this command you start the game


Permission Command Default
manhunt.hunter /hunter [player] op
manhunt.runner /runner [player] op
manhunt.start /start op
manhunt.tl /tl true

Useful information

  • In the case of being several runners, hunters can change who tracks their compass, this is possible by clicking left with the compass in main hand
  • Hunters don't drop the compass when they die and are given one when they respawn, nor can they throw it out of their inventory.
  • If the runner and the hunter are in different worlds, the compass will mark the position of the portal through which the runner passed.
  • The compass does not work in the end


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
