
Electron wrapping a ReactXP app based on https://medium.freecodecamp.org/building-an-electron-application-with-create-react-app-97945861647c

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This app works on React Native (iOS, Android) and web. Most of the app's code is contained in App.tsx.

The commands in the instructions below assume you are in the root of this repo.

Initial Setup

  • Run npm install. This fetches the dependencies.

Building for Web

  • Run npm run web-watch. This compiles the TypeScript code and recompiles it whenever any files are changed.
  • Open index.html in your browser to view the result.

Building for React Native

  • Run npm run rn-watch. This compiles the TypeScript code and recompiles it whenever any files are changed.
  • In another command prompt run npm start. This starts the React Native Packager.
  • Use Xcode or Android Studio to build and deploy the native app code just like you would with any other React Native project.


based on code generated from react-xp-app

  • Support .js, .jsx modules via babel-preset-react-app.
// ./JsComponent.js

import React from 'react'
import * as RX from 'reactxp'

const JsComp = ({children, ...props}) => <RX.Text {...props}>{children + '!!!'}</RX.Text>

export default JsComp

// ./TypedComponent.tsx

import RX = require('reactxp');
import JsC = require('./JsComponent');
const JsComponent = JsC.default as any

export = () => <RX.View><JsComponent>Foo</JsComponent></RX.View>
  • Support Electron
# generate the js bundle
yarn web-watch

# on other terminal
yarn electron 
  • Support HMR
# local server hosting
yarn web