
🛻 LaraDumps is a friendly app designed to boost your Laravel PHP coding and debugging experience.

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Available for Windows, Linux and macOS.

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👋 Hello Dev,

LaraDumps is a friendly app designed to boost your Laravel PHP coding and debugging experience.

When using LaraDumps, you can see the result of your debug displayed in a standalone Desktop application.

These are some debug tools available for you:

🔥 Run artisan ds:check() in your CI Pipeline to make sure there is no ds() shipped to Production.

Get Started


PHP 8.0+ and Laravel 8.75+


  1. Download the 🖥️ LaraDumps Desktop App here: Windows | MacOS | Linux
  1. Install LaraDumps in your Laravel project, run:
 composer require laradumps/laradumps --dev
  1. Configure LaraDumps, run:
php artisan ds:init
  1. Debug your code using ds() in the same way you would use Laravel's native functions dump() or dd().

  2. Run your Laravel application and see the debug dump in LaraDumps App window.


Here's an example:

// File: routes/web.php


Route::get('/', function () {
    ds('Home page accessed!');
    return view('home');

The Desktop App receives:


LaraDumps is a free open-source project, and it was inspired by Spatie Ray, check it out!