This is free a Data Field for the Fenix 3 that shows multiple values on a single field. BikersField is open source and its code resides at github:
Release versions are published in the Garmin App Store
- TIME: 12/24h mode based on system settings.
- SPEED: speed in km/h or mi/h based on system settings (as average of the last 10 values)
- AVG SPEED: average speed over the whole activity.
- DISTANCE: elapsed distance in km or miles based on system settings.
- DURATION: duration of the activity in [hh:]mm:ss
- GPS: green/blue bars for poor/acceptable/good signal, gray if no signal.
- battery: visualization of battery percentage as indicator bar. If battery value is lower than 30 the indicator bar gets orange. If value is lower than 10% the exact value will be shown and the indicator bar turns red.
- unit system in use: "(km)" will be shown when metric system is set in the settings, "(mi)" if statute (imperial) units are configured.
- use bright or dark color scheme based on the background color setting of the app (Settings/Apps/Run/Background Color). needs at least a firmware with SDK 1.2 compatibility (otherwise bright scheme is always used).
A Data Field needs to be set up within the settings for a given activity (like Run)
- Long Press UP
- Settings
- Apps
- Bike
- Data Screens
- Screen N
- Layout
- Select single field
- Field 1
- Select ConnectIQ Fields
- Select BikersField
- Long Press DOWN to go back to watch face
Start Bike activity. Hopefully you see the RunnersField datafield and can read the values.
- fix app name
- fix colorscheme background detection
- change battery critical color
- Use bright/dark color scheme based on app background color settings
- Add german language file
- Further improved memory footprint
- Redesign
- Improved memory footprint
- Fix app id so that it doesn't interfere with RunnersField
- Based on RunnersField 1.0.2 and changed pace for speed
- Fix when black background is configured in device settings.
- Add battery percentage if it is lower than 10% left and make visualization red.
- Fix irrelevant slow pace values
- Change string TIMER to DURATION
- Change string metric to km and statute to miles
- Time mode is now dependent on device settings (12/24 hours mode)
- Distance and pace will be presented dependent on device settings (metric [km, km/min] or statute [miles, miles/min]), "metric" or "statute" will be shown below battery/gps
- HR is now dark red to visually decipher the different values faster
- Time of day
- Current Pace (average over 10 seconds)
- Average Pace
- Heart Rate
- Distance
- Timer
- Battery Status
- GPS Status (green = gps lock, red = no gps lock)