
FastAPI boilerplate with batteries to quickly get started on your backend project!

Primary LanguagePython

FastAPI Boilerplate

codecov Python Docker CI

FastAPI Boilerplate is a backend boilerplate to help you get quickly started for projects of any scale without having to set up all the nitty-gritty details.

The boilerplate contains the following:

  • JWT Authentication with basic authentication endpoints included with session dependencies.
  • Pytest to run unit tests for your endpoints and business logic.
  • SQLAlchemy ORM for your CRUD operations with Pydantic validation models.
  • Alembic for your ORM migrations and database version control.
  • Makefile with all the necessary deployment and set-up commands built in to quickly help you set up without having to type them all in.
  • Docker and Docker Compose for ease of deployment and containerization.
  • Postgres for the backend database running in a container.
  • Celery Task Runner running in a container for your tasks and pings.
  • Mypy and Pylint for your code quality check and type checks.
  • Caddy for your reverse proxy to handle routing between containers and your DNS.

Set up and Deployment

  • Run your Python on the shell and type in this, copy the result and paste into the .env_example for your SECRET_KEY.
import secrets
secret_key = secrets.token_hex(32)
  • Run the following command
cp .env.example .env
# Copy the content from .env.example into .env and edit based on your own needs.

make runbackend
make migrations name="init"
make migrate


Go to http://localhost:8000/api/v1/docs to access the endpoints from the Swagger UI

You can also run make runserver to access the same application connected to the same database in port 9000, this is purely for debugging purpose.

You can run make check to run your code through mypy, pylint and pytest as a pre-hook commit for your own projects.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.