
Morphlines example code for my Log Parsing with Morphlines, Parts 1 and 2 blogs

Primary LanguageJava


Morphlines example code.

Build Project Jars

To build the jars, do the following:

  1. cd using-morphlines
  2. Set the ${dict_path} in conf/env.conf to the absolute path of the conf/dict directory.
  3. mvn clean package

You can also build the jars with a Maven aware IDE like IntelliJ, which is what I use. To build that way, do the following:

  1. At the main dialog box, click on Open.
  2. Navigate to the using-morphlines directory.
  3. Click on Open.
  4. Click on Maven Properties tab to the right of the main window.
  5. Click on Maven Execute Goal.
  6. Type mvn clean package.
  7. Click on Execute.

The jars will be located in the target directory of each subproject.

Note that you have to set ${dict_path} for either building method.