
ECommerce application built with Gatsby, React, Tailwind, Netlify and Netlify CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Plants Ecommerce

codecov CI Netlify Status MIT license

Available on https://plantstore.netlify.com/

This project is an Ecommerce application built with Gatsby, React, Tailwind, Netlify, Netlify CMS and pagarme-js

It follows the JAMstack architecture by using Git as a single source of truth, and Netlify for continuous deployment and CDN distribution.


Getting started

Deploying to Netlify

Use the button below to build and deploy your own copy of this repository to Netlify:

Deploy to Netlify

After clicking that button, you’ll authenticate with GitHub and choose a repository name. Netlify will then automatically create a copy of this repository in your GitHub account. Next, it will build and deploy the new site on Netlify.

Running the project locally

  1. Clone the project
$ git clone https://github.com/gustavomonjardim/ecommerce.git
  1. Install the dependencies:
$ yarn
  1. Run the project
$ yarn start
  1. Generating a production build
$ yarn build


Project structure

|-- /assets
    |-- /fonts
    |-- /images
    |-- /svg
|-- /cms
|-- /components
|-- /content
    |-- products
    |-- sellers
|-- /context
|-- /forms
|-- /functions
|-- /hooks
|-- /layouts
|-- /pages
|-- /services
|-- /styles
|-- /templates
  • /assets: Images, fonts and icons are stored in this folder.
  • /cms: This folder contains the Netlify CMS configuration for registering preview templates.
  • /components: Contains reusables components used throughout the whole application.
  • /content: Content uploaded from the CMS is stored in this folder.
  • /context: Providers and consumers built with the React Context API are stored in this folder.
  • /forms: This folder contains all the forms used in the checkout page.
  • /functions: This folder hosts all Netlify lambda functions.
  • /hooks: Custom React hooks are stored in this folder.
  • /layouts: Components responsible for managing common page elements, such as markup, styles, and functionality across multiple pages. Learn more here.
  • /pages: Components under src/pages become pages automatically with paths based on their file name.
  • /services: This folder hosts services and funcionalities used throughout the application.
  • /styles: Global styles are stored in this folder.
  • /templates: Contains templates for programmatically creating pages.

To learn more about Gatsby project structure, check out the documentation here.

Environment Variables

This project expects the following environment variables:

  • PAGARME_API_KEY: API Key used to access pagarme-js endpoints.
  • PLATFORM_ID: recipient_id of the marketplace owner. Learn more about recipients here.
  • PLATFORM_PERCENTAGE: Integer number that represents the percentage of the transaction value attributed to the marketplace owner.
  • SELLER_PERCENTAGE: Integer number that represents the percentage of the transaction value attributed to the seller of the product.

To learn more about split rules with pagarme-js, check out the documentation here.

Netlify CMS

This project uses Netlify CMS for content management. Netlify CMS provide a friendly UI where you can upload new content directly to your Git repository. You can learn how to integrate it with a Gatsby project in this Quick Start Guide.

Alternatively, if you want to add content to this project without having to setup Netlify CMS, you can add or edit files inside the content folder described in the Project structure session.


You can run tests with the following command:

$ yarn test


Licensed under the MIT License.