
Crush a Tiled tileset to only include used tiles.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Crush a Tiled tileset to only include used tiles.

Tiled is happy using infinity-sized textures as tilesets. You're not likely to use all of those tiles, and your graphics subsystem will not be co-operative if you try to render from them (8k x 8k seems like a good rule of thumb for max texture size? maybe it's higher these days?).

I needed something like this, and none of the existing tools had been maintained in approximately forever (in Internet Years at least).


Python 3 and:

  • ElementTree (this might come standard)
  • PIL (try sudo pip3 install pil or sudo apt install python3-pil or your OS' equivalent; advanced users can do it via virtualenv or something)
  • zstandard (sudo pip3 install zstandard)


  • Writes out a new map, new tileset, and new tile atlas.
  • Supports multiple layers. Non-tile layers (like object layers) are preserved untouched.
  • Supports layer data encoded in CSV and base64, as well as base64 encoded layers compressed with zlib, gzip, or zstandard.
  • Can use pngcrush (if it's in your PATH) to save more space by crushing the tile atlas using brute force.


The current version works with one tileset only. Future versions will add support for:

  • More than one tileset.
  • ???


chrish@skelly$ ./crushtileset.py --help
usage: crushtileset.py [-h] [-o output_map] input_map

Create a texture atlas of only the tiles used in a map.

positional arguments:
  input_map             input Map name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o output_map, --out output_map
                        output Map name; default is input_map-crushed

Textures are read out of the map file.

Where output_map is the output map file. It'll load the map in input_map, any tilesets used by the map, and any images used by the tilesets. The output_map.tmx will be accompanied by an output_map.tsx for the tileset and an output_map.png for the texture atlas. The new files only reference and include tiles hat were actually used in the input_map.

Bribe me

Want to bribe me to work on multi-layer and multi-tileset support faster?



This is MIT licensed, so go nuts.