
Lua graphite module for Tarantool 1.6

Primary LanguageLua

Tarantool 1.6 graphite module

Usage examples

local graphite = require('graphite')

-- initialize standard metrics, transmit them to graphite @
graphite.init('localhost.1_instance.', '', 3010)



graphite.add_sec_metric(name, metric_fn, aggr_fn)```

`graphite.sum_per_min(name, value)`

`graphite.sum_per_sec(name, value)`

`graphite.avg_per_min(name, value)`

`graphite.min_per_min(name, value)`

`graphite.max_per_min(name, value)`

`graphite.add(name, value) -- adds to current graphite metric value`

`graphite.inc(name) -- alias for graphite.add(name, 1)`

### Aggregation functions

Builtin aggregation functions to be used with add_sec_metric






### Transmission functions
``` lua
-- transmits metric value to graphite
graphite.send(name, res, timestamp)

Usage examples

graphite.add_sec_metric('delete_rps_max', function() return box.stat().DELETE.rps end, graphite.max)

graphite.add('requests', 1)

graphite.max_per_min('max_mysql_query_time', query_time)

If you have a common set of metrics which you need to apply to every function in your module you can create a wrapper and apply needed set of metrics with a single line of code like in example below.

local graphite = require('graphite')
local clock = require('clock')

local function module_common_stat_tail(stat_name, start_time, ...)
	local delta = clock.time64() - start_time
	graphite.avg_per_min(stat_name['avg'], delta)
	graphite.min_per_min(stat_name['min'], delta)
	graphite.max_per_min(stat_name['max'], delta)
	graphite.sum_per_min(stat_name['rpm'], 1)
	return ...

local function module_common_stat(name, func)
	local stat_name = {
		avg = 'func_' .. name .. '_avg',
		min = 'func_' .. name .. '_min',
		max = 'func_' .. name .. '_max',
		rpm = 'func_' .. name .. '_rpm',

	return function(...)
		return module_common_stat_tail(stat_name, clock.time64(), func(...))

-- your module functions
local function dostuff() end
local function domorestuff() end

-- one line to apply avg, min, max, rpm set of metrics to dostuff and domorestuff functions
dostuff = module_common_stat('dostuff', dostuff)
domorestuff = module_common_stat('domorestuff', domorestuff)