
This is my educational frontend project on React. It was was created during the education in Yandex.Praсtiсum on "React Developer" course

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is my educational frontend project on React

Test it on Github Pages!

Important notices

  • This project was initially developed for desktop screen resolutions starting from 1280x720
  • Responsive layout for mobile devices is currently under development and will be released soon
  • It's a known issue that the AdBlock browser extension may block WebSockets connection. If you see any conection errors, please try to disable AdBlock on app's page

Technology used in project

  • React 17 with functional components and hooks
  • CSS Modules
  • Redux with Toolkit using thunk, slices and custom middleware
  • Routing with React Router with 3 types of protected routes and URL params
  • User authorisation with JWT and token refresh (token become stale in 20 minutes)
  • Websocket connection to API for real-time orders feed update
  • Unit tests for all slices with Jest and Enzyme
  • Cypress functional test for drag-n-dropping of ingredients into burger constructor (with react-dnd library)
  • TypeScript for all project code except tests
  • Github Action for automatic code testing in PR's and commits to main branch
  • Project code is automaticly deploying to Github Pages
  • React Developer Burger UI components library by Yandex was used in this project
  • Backend API used is this project was gracefully provided by Yandex

Project functionality

  • Interactive burger constructor with drag-n-drop for adding and reordering of ingredients
  • Order placement (only for authorized users)
  • Two feeds with places orders: for all users and for authorized user only (orders history)
  • Orders feeds data is updating in real-time from server
  • User registration, authorization, forgot/reset password functionality
  • Different routes protection for authorized and guest users
  • After succesful authorization user is redirecting to the last page he requested
  • Modal windows for ingredients and order details
  • Modals have their unique URLs an can be opened as separate page when reloaded or with direct link
  • Modals can be closed with the 'X' button, click outside modal or with 'Esc' key
  • 404 page

Test user credentials

Login: 123@123.t

Password: 123123

This project was created during the education in Yandex.Practicum on "React Developer" course and bootstrapped with Create React App.