
Primary LanguageClojure


This software should be considered pre-alpha. I am still working out the API and everything is subject to change.

A ClojureScript library designed to simplify interaction with raster graphics in HTML documents. This library provides functions for creating, manipulating, and displaying ImageData objects.

Project Goals

The library provides implementations of many ClojureScript protocols for ImageData so that you can use many existing functions such as map, filter, reduce, nth, get, etc.

Allowing versatile and idiomatic access to ImageData is the primary goal of this library.

Of secondary concern is performance. Whenever possible, efficient methods for operating on ImageData are choosen, but not to the detriment of a flexible API.


Creating an ImageData object

Create an ImageData object with the image-data function provided in vickaita.raster.core. You can pass it an img element, a canvas element, or a 2d canvas context.

(ns raster.example
  (:require [vickaita.raster.core :as r]
            [goog.dom :as dom]))

;; From an HTMLImageElement
(r/image-data (dom/getElement "an-img"))

;; From an HTMLCanvasElement
(r/image-data (dom/getElement "a-canvas"))

;; From a map literal
(r/image-data {:width 10
               :height 10
               :data (take 400 (repeatedly (partial rand-int 256)))})

dopixel macro

The dopixel macro operates on an image one pixel at a time.

(dopixel [[r g b a] img]
         [(+ 1 r) (+ 1 g) (+ 1 b) a])


Copyright © 2013 Vick Aita

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.