
BrowserID primary authority with PAM and SSL client certificates support.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is Mozilla Identity (formerly known as BrowserID) primary authority implementation with PAM and SSL client certificates support.

For more information on BrowserID see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BrowserID.


Have a working installation of a recent version of Node.js, preferably version 0.6.x.

Download and extract browserid-pam archive, or check out the repository.

From the package directory execute npm install to download and install dependencies. Modules will be installed under the current directory.


Copy config-example.ini to a different name and location of your choice (e.g. config.ini).

Edit the file and set domain to the domain name of your email addresses, and secret to a longish string of random characters. In ssl section change cert and key to point to your SSL certificate and private key.

Execute the following command to generate public and secret keys for signing user's certificates:


This will generate key.publickey and key.secretkey files in the current directory. Please secure your secret key well:

chmod 0600 key.secretkey

See comments in the configuration for more options.


You can run browserid-pam server with the following command:

node app.js --config config.ini

To operate it as a system service, install Forever (https://github.com/nodejitsu/forever)

npm install forever

and run

forver start app.js --config config.js

Client SSL certificates

In addition to password authentication, browserid-pam can authenticate users via SSL certificates. Set ca parameter in your configuration file to the certificate of the authority used to issue certificates. Common name (CN) part of the user's certificate has to match the email address he is authenticating for.