This project was developed as a part of Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree. In this project, i have created a General Advarsarial Networks from scratch using pytorch.
Just run all the cells in the ipynb notebook. Tune the hyper parameters for better accuracy. Get Data from here
- Python 3
- Numpy
- MatPlotLib
- OpenCv
- Pytorch
- Download the project materials from our GitHub repository. You can get download the repository with
git clone
Download anaconda or miniconda based on the instructions in the Anaconda documentation.
Create a new conda environment:
conda create --name deep-learning python=3
- Enter your new environment:
- Mac/Linux: >>
source activate deep-learning
- Windows: >>
activate deep-learning
- Ensure you have numpy, matplotlib, pandas, and jupyter notebook installed by doing the following:
conda install numpy matplotlib jupyter notebook
- Run the following to open up the notebook server:
jupyter notebook dlnd_face_generation.ipynb
- Execute all the cells in the code.
This project has met the following specifications:
- The submission includes all required, complete notebook files.
- All the unit tests in project have passed.
- The function get_dataloader should transform image data into resized, Tensor image types and return a DataLoader that batches all the training data into an appropriate size.
- Pre-process the images by creating a scale function that scales images into a given pixel range. This function should be used later, in the training loop.
- The Discriminator class is implemented correctly; it outputs one value that will determine whether an image is real or fake.
- The Generator class is implemented correctly; it outputs an image of the same shape as the processed training data.
- This function should initialize the weights of any convolutional or linear layer with weights taken from a normal distribution with a mean = 0 and standard deviation = 0.02.
- The loss functions take in the outputs from a discriminator and return the real or fake loss.
- There are optimizers for updating the weights of the discriminator and generator. These optimizers should have appropriate hyperparameters.
- Real training images should be scaled appropriately. The training loop should alternate between training the discriminator and generator networks..
- There is not an exact answer here, but the models should be deep enough to recognize facial features and the optimizers should have parameters that help wth model convergence.
- The project generates realistic faces. It should be obvious that generated sample images look like faces.
- The question about model improvement is answered.
- Python 3
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
- The data comes from here